Ronny for a guy who claims to be so smart is was so in credibly easy to sleuth for 30 seconds and figure out that it really was the old hypocritical fraud Ronald Kulas aka Rancid Crabtree, the man who has been banned on every archery discussion forum, now get back under the rock.
FTR, Rancid - well really Ron Kulas is not a fool when it comes to archery knowledge. He knows a lot, his knowledge has never been the issue with me. Those that don't know the story or the past bannings.....ask yourself why does a man speak in 3rd person about himself, why does a man have to xxxx out the logo on the back of a truck in a trophy picture....why does a man ignorantly claim not to know or be Rancid Crabtree... I was never for his banning here, as I remember another member pulled him down a road of a derailed thread. I have my issues with RC, but not sure banning was ever appropriate - honesty, yes -
man I am is "sharp things" rancid? ron? and most important, if he is banned from this site then how is he on here?
Despite him playing ignorant yes. Rancid Crabtree is also 'sharp things'. Real name is Ron Kulas. There are many pages and forums he's been a part of...many of which he is banned from for a variety of reasons. Here's a screen shot of just one under Rancid.
Past bannings based on his harping and pounding about baiters and cross bows then he gets pinched for "feeding" any person with 2 brain cells knew the intent of the feed placement, then the big bad hunter shot a spike.
Actually Pat got some stuff right and some stuff wrong. (Like you just did) Case in point. You mistakenly wrote "Disgraced thrown off the board of the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association." You manufacture that false reality to soothe yourself because the truth does not work for you. You wont want to know that the reality is that 3 things were the cause of my retirement from the board (and yes, I retired) In the order of importance. 1. My wife's health took a turn for the worse. She was starting a course of medical procedures that were a stressful time. All told she has had s surgeries and we are constantly doctoering with her. Her health is degrading as time passes. Her mobilty worsens. 2. I was embarking on new business ventures in the bowhunting world. My time was suddenly at a premium so volunteering for a bowhunting org and being their legislative liaison was not available 3. the WBH was struggling and still is and im helping them out financially (see this forums press release section for more on that) and I did not want them distracted by the press attention. I didn not want them spending one minute of their boards (all volunteers) time on me so I told them I would do more and better things for them with my checkbook than my time on the board. Im still and active and contributing member. Now, you see how the truth is never as exciting or dramatic as what you built up in your head????
Great morning to you. Lets pick this up where we left off, shall we? So imagine that you and I are passionate hobbyists is regards to bowhunting. We really enjoy it. We are very good at it but one of us stay mired in one place as a hobbyist that stops at bowhunting simply for recreational purposes and to fill the freezer. And the other has a gift for invention and new product design and combines his love of bowhunting with his life long talents that heretofore have been directed towards the field of medical devices and tools. Taking his skills of CAD design, Engineering, additive manufacturing and decades of knowledge working with vendors of all disciplines applied to the medical world and marries that with improving the bowhunting experience only to find out there are great riches to be had from this union. And by riches Im not just talking money. Because you are very good at what you do, you bring many bowhunting tools to life and become very profitable. Then word spreads in the bowhunting world and other bowhunting companies approach you and ask you to help them bring their ideas to life and they pay you handsomely for your time and talents. You would of course say yes since these are the very things you use as a bowhunter and you love to invent and solve. Then, you find that a requirement of all this is to field test and become a traveling bowhunter and the outdoors is your lab and that others will fund your bowhunting adventures. And you like to see new places and hunt different species because the joy is in the doing and the adventure. On top of all that you like to fill your freezer and supply your family with organic protein rather than factory farmed and augmented meats subject to recall. Are you still with me???? Then you get a pretty sweet offer (as I described in the water buffalo post above) and you combine the passion for bowhunting, the need to product test and the enjoyment of a full freezer while another party covers the cost. What will you do? What will you do???? I can tell you what you would NOT do. You would not for a single moment give any thought to what somebody you do not know but just ran across on the interweb thinks of you. Or what they have manufactured in their head as their "Reputation" that want to assign to you because you just dont care because you would know that they care more about you than you care about what they care about you. But you are flattered that they are so deeply invested in you and that they are so passionate about you, that they are so emotional when it comes to you. (even if you know its all based off of jealousy and anger that they dont get to be in your position) You cant buy that sort of devotion. High praise indeed. Or you could just stay stuck in the static role of hobbyist bowhunter hoping to find time to hit the treestand on the weekend. while care more about your opinion of me than I care about your opinion of me. But thats enough of me talking about me, I dont want to be rude so now you get to talk about me.
You are a hypocrite and a liar you served on a board that was working with the WI DNR about chronic wasting, you were involved in shaping policy and one of those policies was to not allow to feed or bait, then you went out and did it. You set the corn out to bolster or benefit your Dad's prospect for success using bait, yet when you sat there it was not sitting over bait. As far as fighting the charges ask Trials but I believe you can get an extension based on extenuating circumstances. Kinda sad that you sneak back in because you want attention and to be admired on social media, but your words and actions have gotten you banned on every platform, you again you pretend to be something that you are not.
So, first of all it was the gun deer season not the bow season, I was about 100 yards away from "Wimpy" (the name we had given to a deer that only grew spike 2 years in a row) And while Im a great shot with a bow, 100 yards is outside my range. All members of the family hunting on the family farm had the same directive. Anybody that saw wimpy was to take him out. And you have your time line wrong. I killed wimpy with a 30-06 about 45 mins before the CO truck entered the neighbors farm to talk to them and cite them for baiting as they actually had a pile of apples and a trophy rock in front of them. When the warden walked over to me, We walked together to where the feed was placed a week prior. he held my bolt action as I applied a tag to wimpy. The CO searched pretty hard to find any feed. Then he said what you WILL NOT be happy about. He said "Since I cant find and BAIT here, Im going to cite you for feeding the week prior to season" With that he left, I dragged wimpy to the edge of the corn field, went and got the ram and loaded him up. A while later a citation arrived in the mail, I cut a check (exactly like I did for a prior speeding ticket) and the rest is (As they say) history. Now almost a decade later, it matter more to you than it does to me. I can only say that Its flattering that you care about me this much and that I am this important to you. All I can say is thank you.
Yeah, Im a bad man. Thank you for investing so much effort into me. I can feel the passion through me screen. Thank you for that.
You type a lot but directly say nothing. You wrote an entire book in reply to the simple question: ...and NEVER answer it. I don't give two cents what type of man you are, but freaking just own to it. That's always been the biggest issue with you. You play ignorant, claim to not even know who Rancid avoid direct questions and go on immense self-stroking diatribes for what? To continue a false facade for what? Sorry but paint me a skeptic to your story of the officer encounter, I give as much trust to someone as they prove capable of deserving. You literally don't even admit whom you are or what you do, sometimes even when pegged in a corner. Only an ignorant fool could trust such a person.
Nobody cares about you or for you and your need for attention. What we do care about is setting a good example for the future generations of bow hunters and given your shady past, you ain't it chief. Great for you and what you do, hopefully you learned from your well documented past mistakes, we do need chuckleheads out there doing what chuckleheads do best, being chuckleheads but only to use as a bad example, so thank you for that. You excel and have done exceedingly well in that regard.
I took a 3 day suspension here to bring attention that you were posting as your son, I am not afraid to go back to jail. I am afflicted with the fact that I can not tolerate or suffer a lying hypocrite that demeans other people and acts superior. You have been measured and you came up short. It will only be a matter of time before the ban hammer hits you and you will once again be cast out.
@Sharp things Four very simple questions with a chance to hopefully start fresh "Sharp things": Were you lying previously, and you do know whom the past banned member Rancid Crabtree is and that you are one in the same, Ron Kulas? Yes or No How many of those animals posted in this 2020 thread, were taken on fenced operations? Just a number is needed Do you as part of your yearly trips and such harvest animals inside fenced properties for whatever reason? Yes or No Why IF yes to #3 do you feel it necessary to avoid this topic or hide it? Of course this one is not a yes or no, but in your response please stay on topic. :D One hundred percent appreciate direct honest responses IF provided.
I had spent considerable time building an elevated and insulated tower stand for my Father. Because of the several heart and carotid artery surgeries and the blood thinners he was on, he could not tolerate the WI winter cold. I wanted to keep him hunting so I designed and built the tower for him. He was pretty pleased with it. That year, my uncles planted corn on the field in front of it. That corner was a known hot spot that I bowhunted and when the corn was picked would be a great ambush site for him with his 30-40 Krag. As the gun opener approached, my uncles (my father's brothers") Who only farm and dont hunt, were not picking the corn. It looked like it would still be standing through the gun season making than stand pretty useless. The last day that I could bow hunt was the Sunday a week prior to the gun opener. Hoping to advantage him, I snapped off a bunch of cobbs from the field and threw them into the only opening he could see through the windows of the blind. Then I made my 3 hour drive back home. On Monday and Tuesday I called home to see if the corn was harvested and it was not. I never told him I put the cobs there. On Wednesday, we made the call to move all his stuff to my sisters farm where he could hunt from the warmth of the sap shack which could also be warmed with his heater so my brothers (who live nearby) did just that. The very next day my uncles began harvesting the corn and the day prior to the gun opener all the corn was picked but the plan from my father to hunt from the sap shack was cemented in place. By then everybody had their stand of choice prep'd so I opted to hunt the tower Id built for him. Friday afternoon prior to the opener, I took all my gear to the tower. I even waled through that opening to se if any of the cobs remained, Of douse all was eaten and long gone. I put my gear in the tower and head back to the farm. Opening day, I sat in the tower and the wimpy spike showed up and the plan was for anybody to have him in their sights should take him out, so I did. Having many anterless tags, I sat tight. It was cold, the buck was fine where he dropped. Later in the morning I saw a truck enter the fence row but on the neighbors side of the fence. They too had a tower stand on the opposite corner of my uncles field even though they did not have permission to shot towards or hunt my uncles farm. Unknown to me at the time was that their family was suffering from from infighting and intermarriage squabbling and a son in law was kicked off there land and not allowed to hunt their property. In retaliation, that displaced son-inlaw called the warden and said there was apple and a salt block under the tower stand in the corner of the field on the neighbors land. When the CO came out to investigate one day after I placed those cobs, he saw from the road 2 tower stands in opposite corners of the same field so he check them both out. At the neighbors, he found apples and a mineral rock, at the tower I built he found cobs. He told me the day I got the citation that he watched the area hopeing to catch somebody hunting there but that never happened. He even had photos from both locations. I did not know any of this prior to my meeting the warden . All of this was made known to me in the days following when I went to visit the neighbors and they filled me in. When I saw the CO walk to the neighbors tower, I thought, "Im glad I checked and that there were no cobs left in that opening" Then instead of the CO walking back to his truck and leaving he walked the 40 over to me. We talked (now recall I know nothing of the neighbors in fighting or the CO investigating prior) Then the CO told me about his work the week prior. He asked that we walk over to the clearing. He saw wimpy laying there and said "why isnt this deer tagged?" I said, I had not left the tower stand and was still doe hunting. He asked to see my bolt action and told me to "get a tag on that deer" Now this is why Im entertained when guys want to manufacture that I got "caught poaching a deer over a bait pile." The truth is a lot less exciting and runs counter to what they want to believe. He leaned my savage against a tree and proceeded to search for any sign of those cobs. I mean he put some effort into it. When he found none he told me of seeing and photopraphing the cobs the week prior but finding none, he would cite me for deed before season. This is not nearly so exciting and you may have been led to believe. The truth rarely is.
I am basing my response on the CO's statement based on what you said when he wrote you up, the rest is lies and damn lies based on justifications and rationalization. Based on your resume of posting as man that you percieve yourself to be or present yourself as the violation you received would be shameful a man of the charter that you presented yourself as you should be embarrassed to come back on line acting as though you are not a hypocritical liar. Based on your online opinions you were a baiter, so just stop we all see it, we all see it much like the blue haired guy at home depot in the commercial.