Awesome stuff. You really put a lot of emotion and rage in your writings. Im flattered by the passion. Really I am.
This is a pic I took in a store in Hawaii. This is why locals dont eat much beef. When you trim away the fat and bone its more like $65 a pound.
Your hostile, angry, upset. Take a moment. Calm yourself. re-group and try again. Id like to help you but your question makes little sense to me. Give it another go. Ask it like your not angry or emotional or trying to trick somebody. You got this.
He's the smartest man in the world, just ask him, but don't ask him a question he has to answer directly. 2020 just keeps chugging along, calendar, what calendar.....
I would invite you to try again. Thanks You can do this. But if you want to pout, I dont have the time.
How many high fenced kills do you have to your credit? You can admit to poaching by baiting, how many high fence operations have you used over the years. Direct enough? And calmly typed I might add.
See, thats where you made a mistake. (as I predicted earlier.) Remember when I said you will lash out and manufacture B.S.? LOL at "poaching" and "Baiting" Just like I predicted. Thank you for your interest in my traveling adventures. Its flattering.
Did you know that in WI, the civil citation for baiting is the same for feeding. That civil (non criminal) violation comes with a simple fine. And no, never got a citation for poaching.
You were baiting and got caught, fine was the same as feeding so you fed. Feeding or baiting isn't considered poaching, but it is clear the result you wanted. You're an effing fool and one of the worst ambassadors for the sport regardless of your skills. You're a wasted talent driven by ego. Yeah, I said that and you probably know it to be true.
Hey, I totally failed to answer your question. (and I think its really different than the question the other guy was stumbling around but failed to articulate) I apologize for that. Depending on the needs and time line of the company Im testing a bowhunting product for, I may need to field test at a high fence operation. Its the nature of the business. Clients cant wait for a season to open where I live so I can test a bowhunting product on live critters. It will vary from year to year. Its a pretty good job actually. I learn a lot, they learn a lot. Im paid to travel with a bow in my hand. I provide then info. I design and invent and bring their ideas to life whether its products for them or for my bowhunting company. I really enjoy this opportunity. Im good at it and its very profitable. Hawaii was wild and free range and who doesnt want to bowhunt Hawaii. The wife really enjoyed it As she did Florida and gator hunting (also free range) I kill deer for 2 municipalities with my bow. (I think 18 in the last 2 seasons) Ive been testing an arrow tracking telemetry device I work on for 3 years for a client that hired me. I taught them a lot about the products strength and weaknesses. (thats why we field test) and then the product was revised and improved and no high fence hunting was required. But your getting emotional now. Your lashing out. Best you get some sleep. Calm down a bit. We can take up my traveling adventures tomorrow. Sleep tight tiger.
Shift the trigger. How many of the kills you posted earlier are high fenced? Be honest Cowboy, your reputation depends on it.
Whoa whoa whoa!!!! Slow down their sport. "My reputation"??????????? I think you are confused.............. No, Wait............. That didnt come out right. You are confused. Did you know that a reputation is what another person wishes to think or believe about another even if it based on untruths?? Now stay with me here. lets say that a person (in this case me) does not, has not and will not care what others think of them, because in order to care he would have to value or respect the people that are manufacturing the reputation (We will call that person you but it could apply to many) Lets say I dont care one bit what opinion (i.e. reputation you want to fabricate) you have about me and that it wont have any impact on me, my company, my bank account or any facet of my life.. Lets say that I dont value or respect the one holding that opinion. Then what??? Those reputation creators would have zero impact or importance to me. They could say or post anything they wish and I would hit the "like" button. Laugh a bit that they care that much about me when I care nothing about them. that would make them powerless and insignificant. I could get them to read, lengthy diatribes as they get angrier and angrier and I would smile while I type knowing that I control their emotions with key strokes. Now just imagine that. Oh, and to answer your question. The answer is 1. The water buffalo. That was a sweet gig. We had the run of the place over Easter weekend. They wanted to get rid of some cows. The price was freaking low. I had a ton of stuff I was testing. I got out of cold WI and got to visit what was the nicest 5 star accommodations Id ever enjoyed. We did spot and stalk on 22,000 square miles of land. We found the small group of water buff and put many stalks on them. Then lost them in the low brush. We finally found them 3 miles away since the damn things never stop moving. I never did see a high fence. Im told they are a sight to see. I was testing a couple bow mounts for cameras (go pro style and Iphone) and a new(ish) broadhead and a drop away rest Id spent years designing and was actually using a 3D printed prototype of my own manufacture. I was testing a dual wall 700 grain total arrow package and some other stuff so it was a straight up business trip write off, which if you can land such a gig, I suggest you jump at the chance Id asked the guide if a bowhunter ever gets a pass through on a adult 2000 pound water buff and he laughed and said no. Gun hunters dont get a pass through and he never saw a pass through from a bowhunter. Anyway, I get 9 inches of arrow out the far side. The guide is blown away and starts looking over my gear and asking questions. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Good times. But anyway. Thanks for trip down memory lane. Here is a video of that trip. Notice how I can capture not only the arrow flight but the flex of the shaft with that camera thanks to that mount. But I digress, what if a guy could get somebody to read and read and read a lengthy diatribe he wrote??? and watch a video. He would be able to capture that persons attention and get them to invest in the subject and then when its over, that guy would be really mad that the writer got him to think and feel any way the writer wanted him to feel . He could own and control that guys emotions and make him respond and reply allowing the writer to do it again and again and again. That would be an awesome power to have. But look at the time. I really should be getting to bed. Perhaps we can pick this up again tomorrow. That is if you are willing to do this again and again and again.
Patrick Durkin wrote a very nice summary of your "feeding" violation when you were charged. That whole thing about talking about yourself in the 3rd person, get over yourself because we all are. Disgraced thrown off the board of the Wisconsin Bowhunters Association. <---article on the citation. Love to know how you got them to overlook the spike you killed moments before the officer arrived... Some people call SUVs their trucks too....feeding/ were literally within bow shot of it. Bet bottom dollar not the first and not the last time you've done something like this...but then again it can get challenging hunting fair chase. Zero claims made, only statements of fact - which you've confirmed yourself so why do you still play the "claim" card? Personally I'd never high fence/preserve hunt, but if I did I'd fully disclose it up front and go with it as clearly I wouldn't have an issue with it personally having done it.