Had a fun 5 days up in North Dakota. Should have shot more birds, but seems like it was a tough year for everyone up there. Went with a guide for the first 2.5 days, what a waste of time. More fun and better birds on our own. 54 ducks, 6 geese, and 3 grouse on the trip with 4 guys. Dog worked great.
Yes! I was looking forward to this thread. Just seeing it now. Anyway we had our 4 days early season split already and we smacked the woodies. Thats about the only thing here most of time here in NC. Anyone duck hunt in KY. Heading there for a deer hunt next week and willing to travel back during duck season if anyone would want to swap hunts. I got plenty of swamps but the majority of what we ever kill are wood ducks. Hope everyone is having a good deer season so far. Looking forward to the next duck split for us which opens Nov 7.
Nice work so far boys! Counting down the days here for our first split! Work was crazy and I was traveling a lot in September, so no early season goose for me this year unfortunately. Just deer hunting and working on the boat in the meantime! Can't be here soon enough, hope we end up having a good season and get more birds around than previous years! Good luck out there everyone!
Alot of our smaller stuff is frozen over from the last 1o days of way below average temps. We're back in the 40-60s for the 10 day so i'm sure alot of that will open back up. Havne't seen a goose flying around in over 2 weeks.
Fun morning! Shot 5 Canada's, 1 speck, a mallard and 2 really nice bull Cans. The speck and cans are pretty rare around here. Should have had 3 more geese for our limit, but missed more than a couple.
Pond around the corner from my house. Some pretty ones in there! Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
My little 45 lb runt, HR Boomer, settling in nicely at home so far on his first two hunts out of training. He never seen a Canada Goose before so that was a struggle our first day out on our opener, he didn't wanna pick it up, but we went back home and did some yard work with the dead bird and got him comfortable and confident in carrying bigger birds. We went out yesterday for an afternoon shoot and he picked up a 6 man limit on birds about the size of him! Was a proud dad moment for sure. He started figuring it out with each retrieve on where to hold the bird and just gained confidence after each one. It's amazing when you watch things start to click with these dogs!
Temps are starting to drop here, and our second split is opening up next week. Been working with the pup trying to get him more confidence on the hunt and more acclimated to colder temps and water. Him being down in Louisiana for a while certainly spoiled him I guess, lol. You guys have any pointers or suggestions with how to get him more acclimated with colder temps and more comfortable with it all? I leave him outside during the day for as long as he wants to stay out, and we have been training on colder days and the water temps are starting to drop, other than that I guess it will come with time as he turns into a NY dog.
Went scouting. Brought my gun. Birds flew everywhere. Going back in the morning. Good luck guys. Loving these cold temps! Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Another good hunt. Limit in a few minutes. Was a quick morning. They were in my face so I picked out the drakes Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I may start duck hunting there are so many potholes within 5 miles of me. Want to get my son hunting more he said he wants to hunt.