No luck today on a big bruiser, but I was able to get on the board and score my first deer down with my new crossbow. I had an 8 pt. buck at 35 yrds at 0745 hrs, an just as I was lining up a shot a coyote spooked him. I went to plan B, which was shooting the yote, but he never presented a shot. I decided to be patient and at 0835 hrs this little doe wandered into my line of sight. She was at 35 yards with a corn pile between us. She suddenly stomped a couple of times while looking to my west, aand then blew a couple of times in the same direction. I lowered my eyes and sat totally still for a couple of mins. I peeked up, out the front window of my blind, and she was gone. I continues to stare at the ground and sit still as I could be. After 5 mins I looked up again and this time she was 10 yrds straight in front of me, staring directly at me. I continued to sit still and something to my east caught her attention. She turned her head in that direction, I raised the xbow and squeezed a shot off. She immediately hit the ground where she stood. Shot placement was a tad forward and I got BOTH shoulders. The NAP Killzome put in the dirt. Not the trophies that I know that are out there, but this little slick head will eat just fine.
I've seen a TON of deer. A couple of big 8's and some really good does, but none of them gave me a good shot. I did try to sneak a bolt through a tight spot at a trophy doe a few days ago, but it hit a branch and went over her. I have pics of the big 11 pt. guy in the daylight two days ago. We're headed out tomorrow and Friday to see what we can get on the ground. How about you, man? Have you got any other ones yet?
I shot a buck opening day of muzzleloader season with my bow but made a bad shot. Couldn’t find him. But I am after a couple studs....
This past Friday my dad put another one in the dirt. None of the BIG boys have been taken off the farm this year, but we have got a good supply of meat in the freezer. This was his 3rd deer of the year - one small buck and now two does. Me? I still have just taken the one small doe so far. I only hunt every year until the first of the year, so I'm hoping I get the opportunity at a buck before it's over for me for the season.
Getting that shoulder fixed may not solve the drawing of a vertical bow. Had mine done in my early 70's and still could not draw at 60#. Went to a cross bow and never looked back. Once you get used to the crossbow you will love, especially now that you have a notch on it already. Good luck.
Not a horrible way to close out the '17 deer season. He's no wall hanger, but he's a buck. Meat in the freezer is always a win. Nobody put any of the big boys on the ground this year, so they'll be even bigger next year & we'll be back out chasing them!
Nice buck bud! It’s not the size of the bone but the memory. I hope everyone has a great off season. I’m going fishing and getting ready to chase those thunder chickens.