I found my second shed for the year. I was just out snoping today during lunch break and found this one right along the road. Good thing I was the first one down the road today as it stood out pretty bad. I've got pictures of the buck recent on trail camera. Still seeing quite a few bucks carrying. Tim
Got out yesterday on some public and didn't find much or see much sign. It was pushing 0 degrees with the wind chill and found about 75 swans and 150 ducks pushed up in a cove trying to stay out of the wind, that was cool to see.
I have been out so many times and no dice. Was debating on going out today but it's snowing hard and it's super cold
More snow and blowing snow the last couple days. There's talk of temps in the upper 30's and maybe 40 towards the end of the week. Hoping that will at least settle this snow and hopefully melt some of it and I can get out looking.
Went out and saw close to 20 bucks still carrying both sides. Did manage to find my 3rd shed of the year though !! Tim
Alright guys, good job on the sheds! I will keep updating the score card as we find them, just let me know if I miss any
Found my first fresh one of the year today. Hopefully they all start dropping like acorns now. Always wanted to find a fresh one in the snow, of course I was hoping for tines sticking up through it but not much of a chance on that happening with this little dude lol
Alright sheddinva! Nice find! I found my first shed in a snow bed last year, it was one of my favorite finds of the year!
Good news guys I just picked up 2 fresh ones tonight at a public walking path. They were only 10 feet apart and about 75 yards from my truck in the parking lot. Haha
It surprised me that it wasn't, but it doesn't bother me. I now know there's 2 more antlers out there! The funny thing is I spotted the bigger one first and walked right over the other. Not til I picked the first then I was spinning around in a circle to scan for the other that I spotted it. It definitely pays to look back on your trail once and awhile.
Nice work on the sheds guys. Weather is finally looking decent for this weekend and snow should be melting. Hoping to get out and find something.
Watched two shed bucks and one half rack yesterday. Kept waiting for the one antler to fall off but it never would. Hopefully I can get in there before my brother does and pick them up.