Anyone getting out this week? This is the last week of the contest. I'm getting one more day in this week, probably on friday. If we get a couple more I think we will be good!
Never know when you will stumble on one. Seems alot of people pick up a few while turkey hunting, I'm never that lucky
I've been going out for morels and looking for sheds too but no luck pulling any more in. May stop by a hot spot this evening but if there are any there they will probably be pretty covered in grass...worth a shot though
Last weekend! I'll try tomorrow but weather isn't looking great here so not too optimistic. Don't forget to update our totals Saturday before the end of the month, gonna be close!
Good news guys! I took my daughter with to go shed hunting since in was raining and I wasn't going to get much work done. Decided to go to my food plot deep in the woods to check it out. I ended up with 3, two of them were a small matched set, found 1 in the food plot and found a huge 3 pt side about 50 yards down a deer trail from the plot. Will get some pics up tonight.
Last day Guys! Looks like we need 4 more to win, anyone getting out today? If you do and find some, make sure to post them up today and I will update the score card. Good luck to anyone getting out!
Did some walking yesterday while turkey hunting but came up with nothing. Learned a lot from you guys, just have to be able to apply it better next year and maybe ill get my first shed.
We gave it a good run, had fun with everyone. I'll still be looking and will post if I find anything but not keeping my hopes up.