Finally got my 2015 Buck back from the taxidermist. Yes. It was a very long wait but well worth it. Anyone else getting any mounts back? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
That's a beautiful mount. All of them look good. Nice spread Sent from my iPhone using Forums
One of my friend took up taxidermy one day so my deer are going to him from now on! I got my head back already... Sent from my SM-G935R4 using Tapatalk
beautiful mount! I just got back an antler plaque and a fake euro mount.... both from old mounts that were terrible. One was from a deer I shot in '03 and another from '14. I have one at the taxidermist now from this past October. He should be ready mid summer he said...
phenomenal deer and excellent taxi work!!! I am hoping to have my 2016 buck back by opening day...congrats again on a great buck!
Nice mount! Black eagle arrow's pro staff Mathews mq1 #70 Single pin vital gear sight Ripcord drop away arrow rest Black eagle outlaws 350