I have 2 full work days then am leaving about 7pm Friday night. The wife was even helping me pack tonight.
well I'm washing all my camo right now. Did a little broad head tuning. Wasn't comfortable with where they were hitting. got everything put in my pack and realized thats a lot of crap lol. Tomorrow I'm going to take everything back out and make a check list and then pack it all back up. I got my etrex 20 in the mail today. Can you download maps to it without putting an micro Sd card in it?
ok downloading it now. so from looking at the directions (never used a gps before) it looks like you may be able to single out a unit and just install that unit instead of the whole state to save space on your gps?
I bought a 8gb sd because I don't know it was only 5 so space isn't an issue. I'll download that tonight. I've been up all night, had to take tons of coffee to get through class and it never wore off. Have too much to do today too, finishing packing, shooting, grabbing Jerky etc. Also I know some of you guys might think that being 40s or 50s will be cold, but as long as wind is low you'll be hot waking around. At least for me if it's 40 with little wind I'll still sweat and be fine in a long sleeve the shirt. The fact that I'm seeing 72 degrees forecasted slightly irritates me because I'll be sweating bad.
I hope I have everything. I'm stopping in cabelas in Nebraska or bass pro in Denver to find some good rain pants. Is bear spray recommended? Can u post the directions to camp one more time for us newbys?
Take I-70 west out of Denver to just past Vail, head south on Highway 24, go past Red Cliff a few miles, you'll pass Homestake Road, then next road on right FS705 take a right, immediately see camp on your left (camp on West side of HW 24)
Colby - what is rule on transporting bow in vehicle in CO, does it have to be cased, or just strings locked? Curious with 5 guys in one ride, would like to eliminate a couple bow cases if possible...
I have actually never heard of any transport laws or read anything on them. I called the division of wildlife. There are no laws regarding transportation in a motor vehicle in Colorado. Airlines are different. It does not have to be in a case. Sent from my C811 4G using Tapatalk