I took a look at the list and sadly I will not make it this year. I am in between jobs and just had a rash of issues with my truck. Biggest being a transmssion. That one pretty much made my elk money go up in smoke. I appreciate the offer and will be cringing in jealousy with every awesome story and picture I see over the next few weeks.
All of you are getting me really fired up! I can't think straight anymore. I'm trying to think of tips that haven't been mentioned yet for the newbs. Can't think of any so I'll repeat a couple. Be ready for a shot at all times! Will has said it before. "There's not a deer or elk behind every tree, but there could be one behind any tree." Two years ago I had 7 elk walk in front of me at 17 yards! In a single file line I watched them walk by in a wide open shooting lane. 4 cows, 2 calves, and a monster of a bull bringing up the rear. I froze up tighter than a frogs butt. I was scared to move because I didn't want to spook them. Guess what, I never saw them again and I never got another shot op. If you have an opportunity, SHOOT!!! Bring a camera. Stay positive! It can happen at any moment. My 2009 bull.
That is correct, you do not need to wear orange while hunting with archery tackle. It might not hurt to splash some on though. The elk won't see it but a muzzlestuffer might. Could save your life. I hope to explore more of the vastness of area 45 this year. Hope many are willing to do the same. Troy and I bumped into a local from the town of Avon. He spent 45 minutes showing us the 30 bulls he's killed in unit 45 over the same number of years. That was encouraging. He dropped the name of a few isolated canyons and creeks...suggesting to both troy and I, "You should explore these areas I will have a few fishing poles on hand for those willing to wet a worm. Rianbow trout might make a nice dinner one night. If you're driving and have a cot, bring it. I'll save the several I have for those flying. Let me know if you have special needs, beyond killing an elk. I will do what I can to provide. Christine, I have an eight by ten tent just for you, providing you want privacy! Hopefully it will be devoid of bears! I'm getting excited to meet both old and new friends. This is going to be a hoot!
What you are already doing is way more than I could ask for Will. I'm glad I finally listened to you telling me that this is the year! I was going to go in 2012 but God had other plans and I had my 1st daughter on September 5th! THIS IS THE FIRST OF MANY YEARS! I can't wait to hear about some of your hunting adventures.
Shoot, pack, repack, shoot some more, attempt to sleep, attempt to work, attempt to keep all my hunting crap out of the living room. This isn't healthy. One thing I did realize while packing and repacking was that I haven't changed my range finder battery in a while and also that I don't have a spare so that got added to the wife's grocery list It's getting closer. tick tock tick tock
$600? I thought it was $400. Ugh yup I better get one! I actually went to the casino hoping to pay for the tag this last weekend. Needless to say that didn't work out so well
Woo I'm getting excited!! I'm hoping to keep up and go exploring these areas too. Might take my fat butt a couple days to acclimate though lol. I am bringing my own tent and cot. And fishing pole. I also have a bunch of smoked venison sausage. I'm going to bring that too. ended up with about 3 times as much as i needed after last season so its a gift i bring to everyone!
Thank you Will and everyone else in advance. I think a cow tag is $451. I can't wait to catch some fish and arrow some dinner. I already have my prescription for my altitude pills in advance so hopefully that is not an issue. It's amazing how much little things add up and get heavy when u want to pack them. Our archery deer opener is this weekend in Minnesota and it's hard to focus on that knowing the next weekend I get to goto gods country.
Nice pat....I've got some snack sticks I'll be bringing along as well...if they make the 26 hour drive that is....my buddy and i are bringing a tent and our own cots so we don't have to take away from those flying and those who need what will is providing along those lines....we will be leaving Friday evening hopefully by 5 or 6 ish EST....should put us there sat evening....it's the earliest we could leave so hopefully that'll work...can't wait people....can't wait
I shot for an hour tonight after work. I've got the Muzzy 125's shooting very well (for me lol) at 40 yards.My buddy made me a few mouth cow calls, but so far, I'm yelping like a hen turkey. I may just pick up a hoochie mama and call it good. I'll echo Dan's statement that I can't wait to hear some stories from Will from his past hunts, and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone.
What's the chance of getting a bull vs cow? Worth the extra 200 or 150? I shot today too for about an hour and a half. Mostly like crap, I think my back workout from the previous day was affecting it. Hopefully going to go back again tomorrow. I was also planning on buying some Jerky to snack on while scouting along with crackers and light things.
How upset would you be if you had a giant bull standing at 20 yard? If not at all then get a cow tag.