The elk were coming down from Mount Evans, and Bighorn were in Rocky Mountain National Park. Would have loved to of been able to spend more time out there, I definitely did not want to come home.
Great pics Scott! Just seeing those makes me miss CO - I don't know what it is about being in the mountains, but it sure puts me in a much better state of mind...sure wish I was closer to them.
I know it Matt. I wasn't there long, but I can't imagine that can ever get old. If not for helping out with my old man, I'd strongly consider packing up and moving west. Only 26, and looking for a new job anyways.
I keep telling my wife I want to move out west but she says I need to be realistic and that we can't just up and move.
I'm in the other wife tempts me with "why don't we"...but we are so dang spoiled to live in a smaller town with both of our parents, and all our brothers/sisters/nieces/nephews...not to mention very close knit relationship with my Aunts/Uncles. They are a huge support network, we get together for every birthday, holiday, and many of them show up to all my kids sport/dance functions...and we do the same for them. So I guess family trumps mountains for now. It is so tempting at times...but with my current schedule and coaching/kids activities I really wouldn't have much more time to enjoy the mountains anyway until they are off to college...which by then, I might find myself doing a lot of overnight drives to get some mountain time in. If you don't have much tying you down...I'd have to really consider it... And sometimes it's a good thing when you can't get enough of something...keeps the fire going.
What can I expect to see for quality of mule deer to hopefully fill my tag on? Do u guys see descent sized ones out there?
Frog - On my last visit in 2010, I saw a huge Mulie, but fool me did not have a tag ....... I'll show you the location on the map at camp, it was a great spot.
Fifteen inch ears lol Down here we have monster mule deer up there you will see everything from forkies to 4x4 fairly easily. We passed mule deer every morning and night in 2012. Sent from my C811 4G using Tapatalk
Sheeeeeep, that is one hunt I have to do before I'm too old, thanks for posting the pictures Scott ...... I'd love a Rams shoulder mount on the wall.
Yes, Lamar is the closest town of any size or where we get groceries. They got a Wal-Mart there. Lamar is like 12,000 population. I'm 270 some miles from Pando which is close to elk camp.
Everytime I come to CO I come through Holly, Granada, Cheyenne wells, then Kit Carson. I use to go through Lamar but it takes a little longer to go through. You can fly on those little two lane roads and those small towns.