Lol something like that. I'm Nick named horse for a reason better not name it a pissing match Sent from my C811 4G using Tapatalk
I knew a guy they called horse back in basic training like 200 years ago, I watched him bust a pugel stick over someone's head, it was awesome. I was just wondering having never done this before since I hopefully can tag along with someone out there.
Sheez oh pete, The last page I saw was 56, and now there's seventy three! You guys have been busy! I didn't read every post, mostly scanned pages for images. I noticed Colby with a bug under his nose. Did you kill that sucker Colb? Everything is looking good here, all is falling nicely into place. Aussie John hits Colorado tomorrow-he'll be moving thru to Montana and Wyoming for speed goats. Another Ausralian (Troy) is getting here the 2rth of August. He, Jhn and I are driving to Arizone for desert mulie and/or coues deer. We'll be back after Labor Day to start setting up the camp. Not sure when sexy Rex is coming, but I'm sure he'll be arriving around the same time we head up. If anyone needs to contact me: 303-434-2052. I'm working long hours to clear my plate for September. I'll drop in when I can.
Colby, I think Kodiakarcher (rob swanson) will be hunting with us also. I'm pretty sure he drew a mule deer tag. Hope he brings plenty of fresh salmon like he did last time!
mmm fresh salmon! I'm thinking about making a huge batch of venison chili and freezing it to bring. prolly need to get with Will on that. On a side note though, I decided to hike all the way in to check cameras yesterday. I wore my pack with about 20 lbs of stuff in it. heat index was about 100-105. needless to say i was ready to stop by the time i got back to the suv. But my diet is going really good. If i keep up on the pace im on now, i should be down about another 40 lbs by the time i get to camp!
I hiked 6 miles yesterday with a bunch of water in my pack too, trying to break in my new boots. The heat here was only 84 and the peak I went to was 1375 ft. That's the highest around me.
Yeah I know I will probably be the most out of shape out of everybody but I'm making good progress. I'm going to try and start going to the walking track and walk with my pack but with the wife working nights it makes it hard schedule wise. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Here is a topo of unit 45. I would get you an aerial but don't have google earth. Colorado GMU 45 Map | MyTopo
Holy cow hope they get it put out soon and it doesn't get any homes Sent from my C811 4G using Tapatalk
It started on Thursday and really took off. (Red flag day) The firefighters really did a great job of saving the houses on the edge of town. In no time were hotshot crews, prop planes, jets, helicopters and tankers working it. Folks in town helped pack out those in the evacuation area, livestock was rounded up and moved. (People didn't even know who's horses they were moving, they just got them out of there. Lol) No houses in town were lost. There were some campers up in the canyon that were evacuated by helicopter that may have lost some camping trailers and vehicles. But otherwise it was just a lot of old pines, junipers and sagebrush. DC10 Smaller jet 65% contained now. Estimate burned area is about 4,500 acres. (Less places for the deer and elk to hide from me. Ha!)
That fire had Sanpete county pretty smokey. Good to hear all is ok at your place. Its storming at are place I hope your getting some of this moisture.
Wow that is insane Christine! That is insane! At least the smoke is going the other way. That one pic looks like it's a volcano.
Thanks! We're safe. Oldcarp, been raining in the mountains every day since Friday night. That really helped keep the fire from burning up all the way to the other side of the range. It's raining hard now. I hear the rain is causing mudslides over in Nephi canyon. Never a dull moment.
Christine, There's both good and bad in the photos you shared. The thing I like...people coming together to help those in need! I salute you folks, and I am thankful nobody went homeless. Albert, 8 will work. But, tighter is better! Keep up the practice! Question for anyone arriving on the 20th. Rob Swanson (Kodiakarcher) is arriving this day @11ish into Denver International. Will you be available to pick him up? Rather than breaking someone from camp, if you're going by D.I.A, can you grab him? Let me know!