That would be awesome. 80 runs by me about 40 miles. What day would you be headed this way? Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
I'm not positive as i dont know a departure time for sure yet but prolly the 18th or 19th as we plan on driving straight through and being there ready to go for the 20th....the more drivers the easier it'll be to make 27 hours feel like a breeze
I was planning on leaving the 19th after work. I'll be off around 3 but could take a personal day of need be. Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
I bought my wife a new bow last week to offset the small fortune I've dropped preparing for this hunt
We are going to be buying a house within the next month so all our savings are going to that. I still have my hunting savings but how much house we buy depends on how much i can spend. I might be buying a lot of my stuff last minute. Boots i am going to try and buy for my bday so i can go ahead and get them broke in though.
Good thinking. definitely need to break in the boots. everything else can wait. Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Haha, spend more to be able to spend more. Ive definitely spent 100% of my paycheck this month, mostly because I bought two guns and ammo and that adds up fast. Next 2-3 months I probably won't be saving much with guns, fishing, and gearing up for this trip. I also need to break in my boots, would be terrible to go there without it broken in.
What kind of headlamp do you guys use? I need a new one and don't know what to get. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I have a Petzel (think $12-15, normally $30) I got great deal on form Sierra Trading Post - great battery life and brightness. Also bought a $6.95 Ozark trail from Walmart awhile back to leave in car - it is just as bright. Just look at the specs when you buy and get the highest "lumens" you can get...some of the low end ones do not project enough light for navigating in the timber...of course I cannot recall what lumen mine are...
I learned a lesson last night that I had forgotten from my youth. Riding a bicycle into the wind really sucks! 6 miles with the wind to my back riding slightly downhill was easy. Riding back, slightly uphill about killed me lol.
Headlamps are pretty inexpensive these days. Most all should work fine. I would just ensure you keep an ample supply of batteries in your pack. I carry an extra headlamp and flashlights as backup. You do not want to be caught with dead batteries, range finder included.