Awesome photos Dustin thanks for sharing those… I have to talk my wife into a 10 year wedding anniversary hunt in WY.
Dubs, I see all these great animals and I'm left to wonder how you couldn't put us on any of those Oklahoma hogs you were raving about. Just messin' bud. Congrats on one heck of a season!
Great a couple of animals for Chase and myself!!! Can't wait to head out there hopefully this next season!
Whats the scoop on some "late season" action....such as later than 2nd week of November? Animal.....any.
Dubs I see several of your clients wear the Cabelas camo pattern. I just bought a set of their treestand (bibs and coat). How well do you like the pattern for hunting?
There isn't much, you can shoot whitetail bucks until the end of November. There are some rifle tags available for cow elk in November/December. You can shoot antelope until Nov. 15 in part of our area, I wouldn't even book a bowhunter during that time… They are super tough to kill even with a gun that late in the season. End of August-September are the best months for bowhunters. Goats, elk and deer… all at the same time. :D
For out here the pattern is excellent, sage brush and lots of dirt/rocks makes it a good fit. I honestly think the quality of the garments are what drive the purchase. The berber fleece with wind shear stuff is pretty tough to beat.
Lol! The ones that are posted up here were taken the first week of November and the end of October. I have a couple archery bulls that were killed on Sept 25 & 26 and they were both killed in 16"+ of fresh (that day) snow. Pretty cool.