A huge congratulations to Team 10, Nocked & Loaded! With a total of 1312 1/2 points, they beat out the second place team by 289 1/8 points. They harvested 7 does & 8 buck ranging from a Fergie Clause buck to a 170 7/8 monster! Great work guys and gal Sticknstringarchery will be gatherinng your contact information for me. Here's a final look at the team standings graph: And here's how all the harvest times came in:
That graph would be cooler if Team 10 was on it. It's okay, you can run our score line off the chart. heh heh heh. Woooot!
Yes!!! Awesome!!! I mean if we're going to brag and be insufferable for the next 7 or 8 months... might as well do it right! :D
Fitz, buddy, come on now. The name? Nocked and Locked Brother! First bow deer (make fun at will, we won!) second deer contest and lucky enough to be the Captain of this group of outstanding Hunters! Oh and did I mention we killed the score baby!! Insert cabbage patch dance here!!! NOCKED AND LOCKED 2012 BOWHUNTING.COM DEER CONTEST CHAMPS!!! Thank you all for the congratulations! It is appreciated!
Thanks a lot everyone! It has been a great ride and I've met some great people along the last two years on this site. Hope to meet a few more of you along the way as we look to defend our title!