Id rather be out in the woods and not see anything then drive around the US in a semi not hunting! Lol ill be home next thursday. Plenty of time to still get a buck. Good luck on getting your first buck Oly!
Thats very true and thanks i cant wait ti get the chance at one. Everyone here will be at the top of the list to know when it happens. Sent from my HTC Hero S
Alright took a little longer than expected to find my spot this morning. I haven't hunted this spot yet and figured id give it a try since I'm not seeing any action at my others. Have about 15mins till shooting light. Good luck all that are hitting the woods today. Be safe
Morning did not go as planned. In a different spot this morning after driving around and seeing hunters parked EVERYWHERE. Long story short I'm hunting from the ground and cold but my cam was still here and had lots of morning movement! Over the last three weeks. Lets see what happens.
Busted. Saw a doe coming in. Pulled my hood off and she saw. Circled around a little then she ran off tail up. *sigh* hunting from the ground.
Pretty warm this morning....mid 50s with the wind swirling. Already saw a small buck chasing though. Maybe it'll be half way decent today. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Quiet morning so far, had two doe come out earlier. With the wind swirling and it be over 50 out idk. Gonna stay as long as can, I get pretty stir crazy and don't end up staying out as long as prolly should ha. But its that good part of the year
40's, overcast and a little fog - wind fairly calm - slightly out of the southeast. Only thing seen this AM so far is about 25 tree rats... Deep thought of the day...Do deer actually exist on my hunting grounds if a hunter (me more specifically) is actually there to see them... Luckily for me i had oatmeal and oj for breakfast so these deer are in trouble... I'm not climbing down until I loose an arrow or darkness falls...
I didnt see a thing. Only positive about this morning the farmer is finally cutting all the corn! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Yipee! First crusing buck of the day. Temp is dropping - fog now moderate to heavy with light drizzle. Loving my wind... Buck was working fast and hard - certianly on the search... Now I just need his grand dad to come by... Buddy about 1.5 hour away has rattled 2 in this morning with another out crusing.
My butt is at work though my spirit is with all you guys/gals that are able to be in the woods today. Good luck to all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welp I went and got my treestand and now I'm here for the duration. About 5 hours left. Passed two other hunters this morning on my way back to the car and they say "deer are everywhere!" So why have I only seen one doe? At least im up off the ground now.
Woods seem dead. I hear people laughing and being ridiculously loud over on the access road about 300 yards away. Annoying. Might have to climb down for a nap soon...
I'm not seeing anything oh well got about 3 and a half hours of light left. Hopefully something starts goin on.
Just heard something heavy crash around in the pine plantation I'm sitting outside of. Been 10 minutes and I think I still hear movement. Deer or largest squirrel known to man? Who knows. I might shoot either way lol.
Squirrels. Nothing but squirrels. Had a weird 5-point (looked like 4 + 1 spike on the other side!) come in last night at sunset, grunted him into 20 yards but he wouldn't stop in a good spot. I could have given a small lead and shot but it was late and I didn't want to take a chance of hitting him poorly. Cool to get him in range with the grunt call though! He was pissed!
Sitting on an edge of the food plot. Nothing yet but still have plenty of time. Gun shots on my neighbors land. I'd say he was hunting turkey or squirrel but 20 shots later, he might just be having some fun. Good luck!