Not sure if I still welcome here or not, but I am back in a ground blind for the first time tis year, but I have the old smoke pole out this weekend. It opening weekend of Minnesotas gun season. Got in the blind at 2:00, and already had a doe wall by about 2:30. It's so quiet out you could here a mouse fart.
Well good morning and good luck to everyone lucky enough to be out there hunting this morning. I'm jealous I have to do the work thing and pay the bills so I can hunt later. The weather is perfect this morning. 25° and not breezy at all in my neck of the woods so I'm a little bummed to be missing out on those conditions. Good luck and be safe out there.
Spooked some on the way had a doe in front of for about 15 min she wondered off so I banged the antlers and hit the grunt here I wait Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
Probably my last morning in Ohio, beautiful 18* when i left the truck. Hoping it all comes together. This is the best looking spot so far.
Been out for a few hours and no deer sightings. Early this morning after getting into my stand I kept hearing metal clanging from behind me. I did see one other truck here when I arrived so I assumed it was him. It would happen every 20 minutes or so. Couldnt figure out what he was doing. Then all of a sudden I see him by his truck leaving. Yes my stand is within view of the truck. For the longest time after that it was real quiet so I assumed that is what it was. Then all of a sudden it started up again. Finally I had enough and went looking. Turns out a trapper snagged a monster racoon about 30 yards behind my stand. Easily the biggest raccoon I have ever seen. Pretty funny soon as I started walking up he would roll over and play dead. I was gonna shoot him and return to my stand but if it is the property owners I dont want to do that to him. I know trappers dont like blood and holes in furs. So I snuck across the farm and am now in my ground blind. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Live from the stand. Trying to outsmart a buck I've seen the last two sits. Bumped him last night and seen him pass thru this morning. Been laying the scent trails pretty thick so i think i got his attention. Also the farmer is finishing up the corn field on the next property over so maybe he'll send some this way. I think i need a bowhunting intervention. Im hopelessly obsessed with this sport! Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Nothing tonight accept a pack of coyotes going crazy at a distance. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Just got settled in. Been raining off and on overnight down to a light drizzle. Stopped by Wally World and picked up a drag line, got fresh estrous that was supposed to be bottled Monday at a local deer farm. Soaked it down, then dropped it in a nearby scrape and doused it again in the scrape and drug it to my stand. Left it on the ground in my front lane and hung some scent wicks in the others. Never tried a drag before, be interesting to see if it works. Scrape was still active. Had a doe cross the road a few miles from the property, being followed by a small basket. Good luck to anyone else out there this AM
Good luck out there this morning everyone. Let us know ur opinions on that drag later cls I been debating on tryin one or not. Sure wish I were out there trying one today. Haha. Be safe y'all.
Up in a tree, set up 150 yds from where I jumped that 8 Saturday. Had one 4 point come through so far. Feeling good about this morning !! Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
Had a single doe skirt the hill side to my left I have no idea were she went. My view right, center, left Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
What an odd start. Just before 7 had a deer blow upwind on the neighboring property and shortly after heard something bust through a bunch of limbs. About 5 minutes later a coyote a coyote comes out on the NE side of me, runs down the trail in front of me circles back up and heads back in the woods to my NW. 10 minutes later I'm scanning around and catch movement where the coyote had gone. Thought it was a small deer sneaking through or another coyote. Ends up being the biggest cat I've ever seen. Although I'm only a few miles from where a cougar was caught on trail cam, it wasn't a cougar. I swear it was a bobcat though. I was able to get it on video, so I'll have to look at it later tonight. Fast forward another 20 minutes and two does are feeding where the coyote came out. Have a shot up there, so I slowly turn to look behind me to make sure deer aren't coming from where I'm expecting, and the two does freak out. Get turned back around and one is gone the other is 10 yards away. Out comes the coyote, they face off 10yds apart separated by some thick weeds. Doe leaps down and hops into the woods to my east and coyote goes back in. Shortly after a small 90'ish 8 point comes out and is on edge. Disappears back into the woods. 8am brought a doe and 2 fawns coming out of the bedding area followed by a spike. No mature bucks and not a single deer has come from where they should. Hope the day stays this active.
body and mind worn down....consuming about 2000 calories of comfort food at Mcds and getting back on stand by 1.
Been in stand 4 hours, seen nothing. It's been ridiculous here the last couple days, seen 2 deer in 2 all day sits. I'm in a stand I saw 10 doe in last week, now nothing. I'm seeing deer every morning in the fields on my way out. Just none in stand.
Didn't like the wind so moved. Had a button come through about 9:45. Someone on neighboring property putting around on an atv. Thought they were picking other hunters up but sounds like possibly searching field edges. Maybe they'll push me something
moving in to a spot I scouted two years ago but never hunted.....I am going to kill something tonight