Ok survived Sandy here in RI. I'm on stand this evening then its back to work tomorrow. Hopefully I can make something happen this evening. Good luck everyone hunting. Be safe.
Had a contact blow out of my right eye, had to switch contact in left to right in 30 mph winds. I better get a nice one tonight
Bumped a buck and doe on the way in. Could see his antlers in the moonlight but not size. She started blowing like crazy once in the woods. On the way here seen a lot of eyes in the cut corn, beans not so much.
Pretty cool, sun and moon are about equal distances over the horizon. Sun in the east moonin the west
Just had two small does come through, moving quick, thought they were on to me. They were being followed by a 6-7" spike and then a 4 or 5 pt. Got a pic of him. Then I knocked my quiver off so had to climb down and get it. Rough start
You all are making me jealous! We're on our fourth straight day of Wind & Rain here in NE Ohio and it's supposed to continue tomorrow as well.
The switch has been flipped hasnt it cls? We are seeing mature bucks finally and they are seeking, making scrapes, pushing does. Its finally time.
Decided to brave the elements today. Not to bad though. Laid a scent trail to my stand and put scent bombs out. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
That's been my only sightings, other than about 8 squirrels playing grab *** all morning. I bumped a buck and a doe this morning, plenty of day left. Full moon doesn't help matters. Really had a bit higher hopes, probably my own fault though. This past Friday had them on trail cam about now, but different side of the full moon and a frontal passage. We'll see
Hoping I wasn't duped. Starting to wonder if that spike or the one above wasn't a booner in disguise. Very uneventful day so far.
3:00 PM: I was just climbing a new tree, I was 1/2 way up when I had a spike and 3 does and a fawn run around my tree within 20 yards. My bow was still on the ground. They never saw me, I hope they come back this was again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My first live post, sitting in the final stages of hurricane sandy here in NE Ohio...wish me luck! Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2
I hear you Caleb. Sitting here in the stand and about to get blown away. Hopefully this is Sandy's last gasp. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Well those deer never made a return appearance. Getting down now. Looks like thing will be getting interesting with the rut about now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk