Public land spot this morning. We've been chasing a big 12 for 3 years here. Came close a couple of times. Hope he's still around
Had a doe about 25-30 yards away but no clear shot and she was in some thick stuff! Well atleast I saw something let's see what else is left of this am .. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Got bored and the kiddos wanted to try it. Squirrel at 21 yards Alex Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Don't feel like going home or hitting public land, nice cool day might as well enjoy it in the woods. Very well could be my last sit until first weekend of November.
Well I'm back home but going back out to sit from 4-7 in a different stand... raise your glasses to persistence Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Same here! The one doe I saw at first light was all I saw this morning. Time for bacon, eggs, toast and a nap lol.
Slow morning all I saw was a small 6, a red fox and two coon. Moved over to the other side of the property and set up on a rub line.
Saw two mature does but they never came within 80 yards of my tree. Now time to try and get some sleep before the Bama game/work tonight. Good luck to everyone huntin this afternoon.
Ok went back out 3 hours after the shot. Tracked the blood for a good ways prob 200 yards. Blood got really light then non existent. Then all of a sudden hear something and look up and jumped her. really not happy with myself right now. I thought 3 hours was gonna be good but apparently not. So I marked where she jumped from and and enlisting the assistance of my father and a couple friends.. super bummed right now guys, maybe the shot was worse than I originally thought. Because I was sure 3 hours would've done it. :'(
Alright my assistance has arrived. Heading back out for some more tracking then a grid if that doesn't pan out.