Live from the office desk... Just got Friday off. Here in Alabama we have rain coming in Thursday and a temperature drop overnight. Forecast says 46 in the AM and perfect wind! I have a climber and all of my trees and spots need no preparation. I have not even stepped foot near them since last year! I'm sliding in like a ghost at 5am and sitting under my favorite grove of mature swamp white oaks that are raining golf balls, in the heart of the Black Belt in Bullock County. 7 buck bachelor group on opening day last year, same spot, same weather, but that year I had to cut shooting lanes and had corn out with a trail cam. THIS YEAR THEY WONT EXPECT A THING. Update coming on Friday morning.... mahh, MEHHH, schwwwp, thump, deer runs 10 seconds, crash, yee haww.... yum backstraps in bacon
Well I called it a morning about 10:45. I went and took down a treestand that's been in the same tree for at least 2 seasons. I had to cut the strap to get it down. The tree had grown a lot and I was afraid of the strap busting while someone was in it. I have a new location for it anyway. 3:00pm I'm at the front of the same property now, where I shot the doe before buck season came in. I can't sit until dark or the wife might get a bit testy. Got to get home fairly early. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In the stand for my first afternoon sit of the season. Didn't see anything yesterday morning and neither did my uncle who was on the other side of the property. We've basically switched places today. Hope that switches our lck around also! Good luck to everyone out this afternoon!!
even though ive had minimal success in mid October......something feels good about this hunt. Got in quiet and working a southern point with a south wind.
even though ive had minimal success in mid October......something feels good about this hunt. Got in quiet and working the northern side of a ridge with a south wind.
Sitting in my stand got to see the trophy I'm gonna try for this spring an albino turkey that was pretty cool whole flock walked within 20 yards
Well I got settled and the wind picked upto about 30 mph+ I climbed down and my ground blind is barely staked down so I'm in there now. Doubt ill see anything Sent from iPhone
Pretty cool in Mass this morning deer should be moving goin to sit till 9 and hopefully dragging a 200# out!!!
Good luck this morning bowsie. Yeah id love to be out this morning. The weather is perfect down here in RI. But gotta do the work thing today. I'm off tomorrow but its supposed to storm all day here. guess I gotta wait till Sat morning. Mamma nature makes all the rules!! Lol.
I hear ya....ya I saw the forecast rain Friday Saturday here. If its not pouring I mite of an afternoon hunt on those days tough to stay out of the woods when your seeing deer. I had deer around me before shooting light but disappeared when it got lighter out. Funny hoe they always do that!!!!
Yeah it is.. its pretty much supposed to storm all Friday here then be clearing up just before light on Saturday morning so I'll definitely be out then. Of course that all depends on if that's actually how it unfolds. Lol
I have no plans this weekend aka I will be hunting all weekend lol Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2