A couple years ago I saw two tag teaming some poor female. It's quite comical. Side note: just got up. Windy and cold. Here's hoping somethin walks by tonight!
Back in the stand this evening, ready to see some movement. Wind has died a little and its currently 46. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Its cold and windy here too. I had ond doe already walk past at about 80 yards. Hoping it picks up here in a little bit Sent from my HTC Hero S
Left my climber in the truck, hunting from the ground. This is the same area I shot a small 11pt during shotgun season in '10. A lot of hedge trees but the wind is going nuts. It's a gnarled mess, but I have about 4 lanes to catch something in before they get downwind. Not going to be super picky, but there is a 4 point on one side restriction if antlers should appear.
With all this wind I figured I'd setup just outside this bedding area. They like this spot when its windy or snowy. Its in a bottom with a lot of low pines. I'm along a trail that leads around a ridge to some oaks. Just does on the cam in the evening but ill take one.
Back in the stand. I have things in my favor tonight. This sit has potential. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Been in the stand 20 minutes and 2 does come out of the standing corn and walked the fence line where I have no shot
Sat for 5hrs this morning. Didn't see a thing. Pulled my card and they were there about 4am. I got there about 6. We just can't seem to keep bucks on our property. Either the neighbors are poaching them or they just don't like it once they get bigger. Deer don't seem to get older than 2 that I have seen.