Finally able to post on this thread even though technically not hunting im in the marsh blind with Kristine for her first ever hunt. Hope we atleast see something! Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2
Good luck to all you guys out there this morning! I will live vicariously through this thread until I am off of work at noon.
Just made it home, luckily. Wanted to remind everyone not to overlook old ratchet straps on your stands. When they go with you in the stand it's a pretty big surprise. Good luck and safe hunting everybody.
Well got the first harvest of our farm. My buddy who I've really tought archery too, just took a small spike buck and we got the whole thing on film. Nice 20 yrd shot broadside and double lunges him. Watched him work his was too us from 500yrds away
In the stand but not seeing anything yet. Beautiful morning though. Blessings.....Pastorjim Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Uneventful thus far. One squirrel and one raccoon. Still plenty of time. Can't see through the leaves, but looks like the stand I put up two years ago is missing. If so I don't think I'll be putting my cam out.
Well, I'm the last one in the woods. Heard the other 3 go up about 15 minutes ago. Not much of anything going on. Normally squirrels are running rampant, yet only 3 this morning. Even the bluejays are quiet, which I don't mind, woods just seem lifeless today. Rarely have a sit without a sighting, so I'm staying out for awhile longer. Nothing else to do today anyhow.
Set up for the afternoon in PA. Hopefully that big boy from the other night shows up again. But I don't mind if his older brothers or daddy show either lol.
Starting to look like I got into my stand an hour before shooting light for an evening hunt. Guess I gave it ample time to calm down. So much for midday movement.
Saturday with that overcast sky I had non stop movement from 1030 to dark. Today I haven't seen anything yet though.
Yeah, I was more referring to the full moon. Thought I might be able to catch something up for a snack. I don't have much of an option if I want to do a morning and evening sit. Too far of a drive to take a break, it's one or the other or sit all day. Think I'm going to throw a cheap beach chair in my truck. If it was colder out I'd climb down and nap at the base of the tree, but too many bugs still active. I'd rather sit all day and see nothing than sit at home wondering what I may have seen.