Went out for the second hunt at a new urban spot. this is the video I put together from the footage I shot that day, thanks for watching and commenting http://www.youtube.com/user/bowhunterjohn63?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/DeGclh1Zr9M
Great video and great deer! Congrats!! Wish I was out there this year, I have to figure out the season here in Az and then start shooting my bow again, it's been a few years but i'm ready to get back into it, so thanks for the inspiration!!!
That was a GREAT video! This is what I call an Urban Bowhunt. I had to be careful not to give myself a flat tire. LOL This is my first hunt filmed with my homemade iPhone Bowcam Stabilizer Bracket. Hopefully I'll get better at keeping the camera on the deer. In the heat of the moment you kinda forget. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WTOsuGW7yM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
nice job, is that your house ? Nice house too ! double up, great job. Any pics of that doe, she looked like a nice one
No, no, not my house it belongs to a client. I didn't take any pictures of those kills because I have the video and it was uneventful on a whole.
Still sweet. I have a couple spots I could kill a few does, one is my friends house, right out his bedroom window but he's not sure how his neighbors would feel