2011 gtg promises to be a bigger/better even than this yr. It will mark our 5th yr of official GTG's. This yr's newb's, spread the word bout how much fun it was, so we can get even more people coming to this thing. We'd like to break 100 next yr. Throw out some suggestions our way. The tenative date will be a little earlier than these past gtg's. Talking with Todd, we're looking @ possibly the second week of June. A little cooler, & maybe less humidity. The reason we will not be having it on the last weekend is because it coincides with the deer show in Oshkosh that same weekend, and may take away from people attending the gtg. Nothing set in stone yet, just tenative. Any ideas for improvements? I noticed a couple of things and will make a note of them. Just pm me with ideas.
Second week of June might be Father's Day, but I haven't checked a calendar. And NO STORMS FRIDAY night!!!
I second Cricks note! He is also trying to find it! I found a note by his tent that one part of it read like this "Don you know I love you because I am your wife but if you can not find your WINKY then I will have to buy you a strap on!" Other details in the note I dont want to say as to making MoBow upset! LOL
I believe Father's Day is June 19th in 2011 (if I'm not mistaken it is always the 3rd Sunday of June). I'd be a fan of earlier too. I'll be coming up again.
It definitely won't be later. It'll more than likely will be the weekend before father's day. With it being earlier, the weather may be a little cooler w/less humidity than what we've experienced.