Head hunters suck! LOL.... Team two has this thing hands down! Our five fingers will slice and dice the competition like nobody's business! Team three will get sucker punched at every turn! Heck, it you guys that ought to think about adding more people to your team(s), that is, if you wanna keep up! Blunts for the occasional grouse, same amount of rice in a ziplock for the occasional grouse soup, make sure you have your tags signed, packed and ready to go. A field press and an extra string might not be a bad idea either. I watched a lad from Pa. drop a fixed blade across his bow string while loading his quiver. He came a long way to simply watch the rest of the hunters hunt...
I like your confidence will, it will make victory sweeter So far I have only come up with two names, not my best work, lol The Wapiti Monopoly and.. Backcountry's Buddies Kidding on the last one, of course
everyone might want to pick up a thing of pepper spray as well. You never know when it could come in handy. Also some bear bangers. I have no good names for my team (team 1) so I will leave the creativeness to the other members.
I unloaded my hollow points from my CZ P01 last night and filled the mag with FMJs ... just in case it has to go through a skull or something hard. I've read all the stories about pepper spray, but somehow I think I'll have more comfort grabbing my pistol from my side, shoving it into fur and pulling the trigger 15 times.
I agree with you. I don't have my firearms acquisition license that is required up here to own a gun, plus you need a restricted concealed firearms license to have a handgun so I definitely can't go that way. However whenever we do shoot something, we all go back to camp and grab a shotgun and have a few of us go back looking for the animal. Last year a guy went back to get his arrow after shooting his elk and didn't spot a grizzly eating the gut pile. The grizzly turned and charged at him. If it wasn't for him firing a warning shot with his shotgun he probably wouldn't be around. This has me a little concerned to be walking in and out of stands/areas in the dark but oh well.
I'm one of those people who just can't pack a firearm or spray. I've never felt the need too. I have had a few encounters, but nothing to make me feel endangered. I fear Blackies more than I do Grizz. I'm hard headed enough that being attacked is probably the only way I would start to consider protection. If it's in the plan for me then so be it..
Ok guys, 130Woodman has joined the good fight. Teams are all evened up now! Just 10 more days to go here! Next week we are taking one last scouting trip into an area I stumbled upon earlier this spring. 5 miles in but great country. Bear season opens on Monday so I will be packing my bow as well.
Thanks for getting me in. I've elk hunted for years with really good success but have not taken 1 with a bow yet. I wrote a story up last year year of my trip and if I have half the bulls come in I'll be fine. http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?t=6992 Go Team 2
Well, let me make it totally official here though the rumors have been flying, I hear... Story in a day or two. Just rolled back in from Colorado and I'm exhausted.
He's a brute. Congrats on the bull. Can't wait to read the story. Just too bad I probably won't get to read it before I head out on my trip.
I wanna hear this story before I head out to Colorado myself , Congrats Greg on a beauty Bull , did you call him in or spot and stalk ?
Congrats Greg on the bull and count on for Team #3....can't wait to hear the story. Good luck to those leaving in a few days as well