So I bet we will start seeing leaks in the next month or so from the upcoming 2010 bows. Any predictions or things you hope to see from any manufacturers in particular?
I just want to see a solid bow from a company. Im sick of these companys releasing all these new bows every year just to set some kind of new "land speed record" Theres to much of a pissing contest. I understand that there competing for selles but i dont want them to get away from good quality...I guess it goes along with quality over quanity...Id rather have a good quality bow over some piss fast rocket machine for 900$ thats top of the line for only 2 months and thats why I have my Bear LOVE IT!!!
I have the SR-71 on order. With a hunting arrow, I should still be shooting 300 fps The Strother Technology Precision Limb Technology (PLT) One of the toughest challenges when designing a new bow is dealing with current limb technology. Kevin Strother has thousands of hours working with limbs and knows the frustrations of dealing with quality, consistency and strength issues as they relate to the design process. No longer will these be issues. Using PLT, Kevin has developed a limb that will hold dimension and deflection tolerances much better, plus the new limbs will be coated with a special material that will structurally strengthen them making them the strongest limbs on the market. With the goal of building the highest quality bows on the market we feel the PLT technology has helped catapult us to that level. Strother Cam The new Strother cam is a two track, slaved, modular cam system that virtually eliminates limb twist and makes fine tuning the draw length extremely easy for our dealer and you the customer. This is the easiest cam on the market to tune, due to the cams working together, and it will NOT come out of tune unless there is physical damage to the strings or cables. This system allows for maximum tuning capability so you can be confident you are getting top performance out of your bow. No-Glove Oscillation Reducer These days just about every bow has two things on the string: Speed nocks and after market string silencers. The problem with string silencers is they counter act the effects of having the speed nocks. Silencers will slow your speeds down by approximately 2-6 fps. We have eliminated that problem by using No-Glove Oscillation Reducers. By placing these where the speed nocks traditionally go we have found that we gain speed, quiet the string and reduce string oscillation. Cable Slide On cold wet days there is nothing worse than drawing your bow and hearing that nasty squeak coming from your cable slide. We have eliminated that frustration by using a cable slide that has a lubricant built in to it which will eliminate any friction between the slide and cable rod. It is also lighter than any other slide on the market, which will help with the performance of your bow. More to come… We feel the strides we have made with our new technologies will have a significant impact on the archery industry and hopefully will raise your level of enjoyment for the sport. But don’t think for one minute that we are done. Our goal is, and always will be, to produce the most advanced equipment and technology in the industry. We look forward to showing the world what we are capable of
I am as close to my idea of a good hunting bow as I have ever been with my Air Raid, but while we are wishing, I'd like a Diamond (single cam) 35-36 inch ATA, 330 ibo, center pivot, in Predator.
38in ATA, 7.5 BH, 80% LO, 330+ IBO at a true 29in Draw. Smooth as silk draw, Solid Wall, No Shock,Whisper Quiet
AMen!! that would be great! Maybe Some UC pattern. I would love to see the IBO test go with a 125gr head, and a fully set up arrow. i think a nice 36"ata is a good compromise. i think that BT's Split riser is the coolest thing that's come out for a while. very nice hell most the cool innovations of the past few years has been from them.
Predator Camo on Bows please and i will be lookin into getting a black widow or predator or Bear T/D recurve late next year .
I bet we see a magnesium riser :D The only thing I want to see is "Cash for Slow Clunker Bows." Anything under 350fps qualifies. You get a $850 rebate for your current clunker, and tax dollars from liberals pay for the rebates. :D
I'm with Dubb, that may be the only bailout I qualify for. It would be nice to get a peice of the pie......but I want mine paid for by Van Jones himself. JK.... I wouldn't take their money!
32-33" ata 7.5" bh 70 lbs dw 330-335" ibo Theres been a few that are close to my dream bow but nothing exact.
I would love to see a 37-39" AlphaMax, with speeds in the 320's.... I'm not sure what I would really like to see, honestly. I think top bows out there got it covered. Smooth. Quiet. Fast. Accurate. Forgiving. Durable. I say it every year, but I just don't know how they could make them any better. But, they do.
Brigadier with a shoot-through system, a tad more fps at lower DW, keep the 8" brace and 40" ATA. I've got my hunting bow...I need a good target bow.
I just watched a video on a new bow line..Darn I forget the name. They have some really neat ideas one bow imparticular comes with extra limbs. It's a compound, change limbs it's a recurve, change limbs it's a long bow. All without a bow press.
Dont know if you guys are famaliar with Elite Archery but they should havce some great stuff this year!...Im currently shooting their GT-500 which is a 35in ATA with a 7 1/8" brace. At 28in. @ 64lbs im getting 290fps with a 370gr hunting arow. Its by far the fastest, most forgiving accurate bow ive shot to date. Threw some slick tricks on today andshot thesame as my field tips...