Team 1: GABowhunter Siman08/OH buttonbuckmaster Cooter/MN MN/Kyle shrek the bowhunter hammerman Brknarrow Team 2: Justin Buck Magnet JFergus7 Txjourneyman Fitz jkcmerg mo_bowhnter FullDraw Team 3: TEmbry PABuck_HNTR rut MO50 OHbowhntr littleshooter PSE Buck Killer DEERSLAYER Team 4: Mechdoc dmen Christine elkhuntinut Countryboy95 RDHunter Rick James cmesserges Team 5: rockinchair NCRemington700 clos21 BOWSPEC Double Creek Oneshot7 OKbowhunter shed Team 6: dukemichaels Tribal Sliverflicker Vito rickmur Greg / MO mnbowhunter BowtechHunting Team 7: Rut Junkie OHbowhunter peakrut Lady Forge NY/Al bloodcrick Rutnut DrAndy Team 8: Finch 130woodman Jim1966 SouthDakotaHunter WesternMdHardwoods NCcrittergitter Johnny Miller gplant Team 9: hunter6742 LAEqualizer mobow TJF Indiana Brandon GFY Camp GCLIFT In Da Woods Team 10: GMMAT Rob / PA bowmanaj Preacher Tony RICHIE MUSIC mddave mikeshunk MeltonMan Team 11: ISiman4/ OH Isaiah SevenMag/LilSevenMag MObowhunter10 goherd1111 PA-BOW-MAN Matt/TN Pick00l Team 12: Racewayking Dubbya Buckeye Joey Rott madhunter fatsbucknut mudnation 1 jackflap Team 13: quiksilver flstnhd justhunt HuntingBry Chris Miles Jaws SCBigBuckHunter Gutshotem Team 14: michaelp Josh/OH Iamyourhuckleberry SDBirddog rybo gri22ly stikbow26 DucksUnlimitedHunter27 Team 15: Schultzy virginiashadow Gr8atta2d shrek the bowhunter Beagle001 huntwi88 Brandon8807 Mathewshooter Team 16: bz_711 Doublelung84 NRK9606 Buckmaster Ben/PA MNpurple Licking Branch BOW/zimmer Team 17: MUDSHARK Cougar Mag Jim_IV FLboy77 MGH_PA Dan jmbuckhunter NEW61375 Team 18: jrvs23 momighty atlasman englum_06 wis_bow_huntr Treehopper ToddGraf rednas5 Team 19: Chris A alphakilla Kannuck txmarshmonkey wiaxle smallSHOT ken3 BuckRogers Team 20: ILL Buck Rattlesnake MOarcher Rory/MO TopPin BuckJunky Iowa Veteran Kydeerhunter03 Team 21: WV Hunter SparrowHawk leadoperator wmdbambibuster TexasBowhunter Sniper rbhunting1 mcorso Alternates (will be used if for any additional no-shows, dropoutd, or disqualifications) robinhood22 paulke6 indiana boy Scott/IL rbclark940
Team 7 looks strong. Heck, there's a few that make me stop and go "Wow!"... that was just the first one that grabbed my attention. Good luck, guys!
I didn't releize that. After I saw my name on team 6 I quite looking. Don't think I signed up twice but could have have I guess. Does that mean I can choose which team I end up on or better yet does that mean either team can say hell no we don;t want him.:D
Im sure I signed up but I cant find what team Im on??????? I DID #100 and then for some reason it switched to #99 ???????
Rick killed a bakers dozen of wallhangers last year, he's just trying to make sure he ends up on a winner :D
Was surprised to see 2 more 2.5 - 3.5 year old bucks on the property I hunt. Probably dead now from firearm season which ends Sunday. But I will be on the look out for any of them. You would think I would see at least one out of the five I am after. Man it's been tough.