Didn't take either of these with a bow, but I thought I'd share. Got in the woods late this morning, when I shut the truck door I could hear Tom sounding off from the roost. I've been within 50 yards of these two twice so far this season, but they were henned up bad. I knew pretty much where the hens and toms were roosting but I got a little closer to the hens than I wanted too, when they flew down they all landed within 20 yards of me. Boss hen started doing her thing and I mimicked her cadence yelp for yelp cluck for cluck. Tom was on the scene in a hurry Gobbling his head off. I never could get a open shot at Tom and they fed off down the ridge. As soon as they were out of sight I moved down the ridge ahead of them and set up. My first call had Tom raising cain. I could hear them coming right towards me, but it sounded like a herd of buffalo were coming over the hill. Low and behold to long beards came up the ridge neck to neck, it looked like they were making out (maybe they were???). As they sparred or whatever you call what they were doing, I took aim at 25 yards and dropped them both with one shot. Gay turkey 1 had 10" beard weighed 21#'s, gay turkey 2 had 9 1/2" beard and weighed 18#. Here's my 08' turkey that I got back from the taxi last week. He's got a 10 3/4" beard weighed 19.5# 1 1/8" spurs. I just built the table to put it on today and snapped the pics while the stain is drying.