Enter, Button buck Team 7 <a href="http://s371.photobucket.com/albums/oo151/AWysh/?action=view¤t=DSC_0179.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo151/AWysh/DSC_0179.jpg" border="0" alt="10-19-2008"></a> <a href="http://s371.photobucket.com/albums/oo151/AWysh/?action=view¤t=DSC_0181.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo151/AWysh/DSC_0181.jpg" border="0" alt="10-19-2008"></a>
ENTERED 10/24/08 L R h1 3 6/8 3 6/8 h2 3 4/8 3 5/8 h3 3 6/8 3 7/8 h4 3 3 1/8 g1 3 1/8 3 g2 3 6/8 4 4/8 g3 5 4 7/8 MB 18 1/8 17 5/8 IS 13 2/8 total 101 4/8
ENTERED Team #4 Oct. 25th 8:15 a.m. Left Right MB: 17 0/8 MB: 16 4/8 G1: 2 1/8 G1: 4/8 G2: 4/8 G2: 6 6/8 G3: 1 0/8 G3: 5 2/8 H1: 3 3/8 H1: 3 3/8 H2: 2 6/8 H2: 2 6/8 H3: 2 5/8 H3: 2 6/8 H4: 2 0/8 H4: 2 0/8 Total: 31 3/8 Total: 39 7/8 Inside Spread: 12 0/8 Gross Score: 83 2/8
ENTERED Team 9 L R G1 2 4/8 G1 2 4/8 G2 5 G2 5 G3 4 H1 4 H1 4 1/8 H2 3 1/8 H2 3 1/8 H3 2 6/8 H3 3 1/8 H4 2 6/8 H4 2 6/8 MB 18 1/8 19 Abnormal pt. 7 Inside Spread 17 1/8 Total Score: 106 "
ENTERED I feel like I'm stalking Rob... team 18 Right Left MB: 18 6/8 MB: 18 2/8 G1: 3 5/8 G1: 3 2/8 G2: 8 2/8 G2: 5 2/8 G3: 8 0/8 G3: 6 7/8 G4: 3 6/8 G4: 0 H1: 4 4/8 H1: 4 4/8 H2: 4 1/8 H2: 4 0/8 H3: 3 6/8 H3: 3 4/8 H4: 3 2/8 H4: 2 6/8 Total: 58 Total: 48 3/8 Abnormal points: 9 4/8 Inside Spread: 14 0/8 Gross Score: 129 7/8
ENTERED 50 points for Team 2 please.....Yes, it's a small one, almost a point per pound....LOL But 50 points, and some mighy fine vittles! None the less. Second photo...
ENTERED Team 12 BBK- L R G1--3 2/8 G1--4 4/8 G2--8 0/8 G2--7 0/8 G3--7 2/8 G3--7 4/8 G4--4 6/8 G4--4 6/8 H1--4 6/8 H1--4 6/8 H2--4 0/8 H2--4 0/8 H3--4 6/8 H3--4 0/8 H4--3 4/8 H4--3 4/8 MB--20 0/8 MB--18 4/8 Abnormal pt. 1 0/8 Inside Spread 18 0/8 Total Score: 137 2/8" November 4th at 7:24AM
ENTERED Team 12. Right Left MB 19 2/8 19 1/8 G1 4 7/8 4 6/8 G2 6 1/8 5 7/8 G3 5 5/8 6 7/8 G4 2 5/8 4 1/8 H1 4 5/8 4 4/8 H2 3 5/8 3 6/8 H3 3 6/8 3 6/8 H4 3 4/8 3 6/8 IS 15 7/8 126 3/8's
ENTERED TEAM 7 Taken Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008 Right antler................................Left antler main beam 17 5/8........ 17 7/8 G-1 4 4/8........ 3 G-2 6 2/8........ 4 7/8 G-3 5 6/8........ 5 7/8 G-4 0........ 2 6/8 H-1 3 7/8........ 3 6/8 H-2 3 4/8........ 3 4/8 H-3 3 1/8........ 3 3/8 H-4 2 5/8........ 3 Inside spread 15 1/8 Total score: 110 5/8 [/URL][/img] [/URL][/img]
ENTERED Team 11 - Kelly Right Left MB 24 4/8 24 5/8 G1 5 0/8 4 3/8 G2 10 4/8 9 2/8 G3 11 5/8 12 7/8 G4 8 4/8 9 2/8 H1 4 3/8 4 4/8 H2 4 0/8 4 0/8 H3 4 0/8 4 1/8 H4 3 6/8 3 6/8 ABP 1 1/8 Inside 19 0/8 Total Gross 173 1/8
ENTERED Team 4 Right: Left: MB: 11, 11 4/8 H1:1 7/8, 2 0/8 H2:1 7/8, 2 0/8 H3:1 7/8, 2 0/8 H4:1 7/8, 2 0/8 Inside Spread: 5 4/8 Gross Score: 43 4/8 As per the Fergie Clause: 50
ENTERED IS- 17 G1- 5 6/8 6 G2- 7 1/8 7 G3- 5 4 4/8 G4- 2 4/8 - A1- 2 2/8 1 A2- 5 2/8 3 1/8 A3- - 3 2/8 H1- 4 1/8 4 4/8 H2- 3 4/8 3 6/8 H3- 4 2/8 4 H4- 3 3/8 3 2/8 MB- 18 5/8 18 6/8 137 7/8 TOTAL
ENTERED Team 12 IS- 15 3/8 G1- 3 1/8 2 7/8 G2- 5 5/8 7 5/8 G3- 7 4/8 7 7/8 G4- 1 4/8 3 3/8 H1- 3 5/8 3 6/8 H2- 3 3/8 3 4/8 H3- 3 2/8 3 3/8 H4- 2 7/8 2 7/8 MB- 19 7/8 19 6/8 121 1/8 TOTAL