Finally got my 2008 buck mount back, think it turned out pretty well. I guess shooting them late in the season (December 2nd, 1st weekend of muzzleloading season around here, but you can start bowhunting again then also :D)
Looks great, I love the mass, most of the bucks around here have small/avg mass... it's not uncommon for a 3-1/2 yo to have bases that are less than 4"!
What was the gross score on him? I cannot get a feel for him at all on size. I feel out of my element in the mass department! Just as buck magnet posted, mass like that is very rare around here... Congrats, he looks great! I covet a heavy "horned" buck :p
Had it 'officially' scored, came in at 133 3/8, downside of shooting it so late in the season. The brow tines, before he snapped them off were probably pushing 8 on one side and 6 on the other, the velvet photo below are close to what he ended up at, but they sure looked longer out of velvet, he also had a G4 about 4" long and another point on the inside of the rack about the same length, both snapped off to the beam. So guessing with the 3" (or so) that the browtines ended up at, probably missing about 21" of horn.......not that I am losing any sleep over it......
What a stud!!! Though I'm with Rob on the arrow; never did like that... But as long as you do, that's all that matters!