On Friday, the weather outside was really nice, so Casi & I took a little walk around our Barns. So we get behind out CornCrib & Poultry Barns and Casi yells "Antler". Not 20 yards from the barn and there it is. It was a year old antler that I walked and drove by probably 100 times. I'm suprised I didn't trip over it earlier LOL. I'm pretty sure it's the same buck we have game camera pictures of from 2007, which was just 100 yards from the house. After Casi found the antler, we decided to look around our pasture a little more, and I found a fresh 5pt. I've never thought to look for antlers around the house as there isn't a lot of cover... but I guess there's enough that I'll keep my eyes open a little more!
Nicely done. RutJunkie Dano and I were thinking about coming down to Kansas to hunt this year.. sheds like these make me really want to. Congrats!
Congrats to Casi and you !! Accident or not... walks are always great when they end with sheds in hand. Tim
Well.....there's always an exception to every rule! And it also depends on the tire involved in the "accident". If it was brand new, kick in the pants. On the ones that look like lugs that have been turned into slicks, expediting the process. :D
When I worked as a farmhand for my neighbor, I remember ruining a couple tractor tires myself. Unfortunately they were pretty good tires too. Seems like I have to be in the "Shed Hunting" mode, or I just don't see them.
I tell my dad I am saving tires by going shed hunting. :D I don't think it works when we still have a pile of stuff to get done before spring fieldwork.