Well I had fourth season for So Illinois and my first day was today. Hunting public ground and this was my first time ever hunting. Couldnt roost any the night before but had a good idea where they were staying. Got there around 5 walked to edge or corn field and just listened. Heard em up in a tree so got as close as I could to them. Had to walk in the water on the edge of a lake because the brush was unpassable. sat down called a lil and three hens and three gobblers flew down and stayed about 50 yards away fooling around but i did not feel comfortable taking the shot. Messed with them for about an hour and that was cool but they left. I was mad i didnt take a shot. They headed north so I tryed to get in front of them but eneded up losing them. Waited and slept a lil in another spot then went back to wear i started. Stalked in there sat down and hit the box call and got a gobble about 120 yards away. He was talking alot. Called about 2 min later and he was 60 yds away. He stayed there for about a half hour before i finallay saw him (this timber is very thick). Got behind a down tree and stayed there for like 5 min. I was worried i lost him but then he popped out and started heading right towards me. The rest is history. 1 inch spurs and 10 inchbeard. I feel really lucky to have been successful on my first turkey hunt and look foward to next year. Wish I would have got more tags but ill get more next year. Thanks for all the advice ya alll have gave me.
Congrats! Sounds like a heck of a hunt, I'm still after my first spring gobbler, hope to have a similar post.