This past weekend I went down to SW MO to hunt with MOmightymite on some private ground he scored through his job at Bass Pro. Looking at google earth and topos I had a good idea of where I wanted to set up in a nice funnel between two woodlots. Matt(MOmighty) was going to hunt the spot I was looking at but decided to giveit up to me and hunt the other side of the farm (Which he now regrets lol). Friday evening I saw 3 does and got a shot at one but hit a limb about the 3 ft in front of me that I couldn't see in my sight picture. Clean miss but I was pretty mad that I didn't wait til she went a little farther and the overhanging limbs were an issue anymore. I decided to keep my stand in the same tree for the morning hunt. During the morning I hunt, about 8:00 I look across the fence and see a couple does being chased. Soon after I see two bucks, one nice 8 pt with some stickers and junk around his bases and another smaller buck. I got out my grunt tube and gave a few grunts and the smaller buck made a b line for my stand. While making his way to my stand the larger buck was making a snort wheeze and this was the first time I had heard it in the woods. The smaller buck stopped about 15 yards and I let one fly. I thought I hit him a bit far back but luckily he was a little more quartered away than I thought and I took out both lungs and he went about 50 yards. Two tines on his left side were busted off but he was a nice 2.5 yo and I was pumped to take him. He scored 83 2/8. Here is the only pic I have right now. I have a bunch of others but my buddy is a bit slow in getting them to me. I'll update the pics when I get better non blurry pics.
He shot a turkey earlier this year but no deer yet. I saved the bigger one of the two bucks I saw for him...Since he was nice and all to let me hunt his spot. LOL
Way to go man, that's awesome! Congrats on your first buck! Can't wait to see the better photos, he looks like a pretty deer. EDIT - That's me - JZ. :D
The bigger one would go into mid 120's easy I'm betting. Nice 3.5 yo for these parts of the state. Hopefully someone will get him and we can get a tape on him.
Alright convict!!!!!!! Im so glad for ya bud!!!thats a nice heavy buck... Matt, what were you thinking?? :d
No he stayed on the other side of the fence. Had it not been my first buck right there 15 yards from my stand, I would have tried to coax in the bigger buck. Just couldn't pass him up.
First? I was not aware of that, that's fantastic. I remember my first buck with my bow, he wasn't quite as nice as yours but I was/am proud as hell of him still today. Congratulations on yours.