Maybe later, I'm going through some rough chit right now. Sorry guys, I probably shouldn't have entered this contest this year. Hoping I bounce back after this chaos settles but I don't know.
So sorry to hear, brother... praying everything works out for you one way or another Sent from my iPhone using Forums
No you entered this because you needed a team and that’s us man, you know anytime any day you message on here someone will be there to talk to ya. This is more then just about deer anymore. We’re your team man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks everyone, your kind words and wishes mean more than you know right now. Dad is still hanging on just because he always has been a tough old codger. I've come to think the loved ones that leave us are the lucky ones, their pain is eventually eased...those of us left behind are the ones that have to suffer. I know many of us guys are hardened to the emotional crap we have to deal with and we don't like to deal with our own mortality but take some inspired advice...if you care for your loved ones, please make your wishes known, make what arrangements you can from services to savings to insurance. The last thing loved ones left behind in time of such stress need, are to have to deal with hard details and decisions to be worked out at the last minute and under every stress from emotional to basic health. If nothing else at least make sure you have some basic life insurance to settle your final expenses, better yet carry credit life on any mortgages, etc... Oh yeah and today is my sister and I's birthday....
So sorry to hear that man! My prayers are with you and your family! Adam Matthews Z7 Magnum 29/70 Gold Tip Hunter XT 100g Slick Trick Standard
Damn bro... my deepest condolences to you and all of you that loved him Call me if you need to talk 716-912-4832 Sent from my iPhone using Forums