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18 years since last lost, I was about due !!!!

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by SouthernMDArcher, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. SouthernMDArcher

    SouthernMDArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 17, 2009
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    Well guys I had a very bad weekend. Here is the story, went out this past saturday, in stand by 0600. At about 0650 I had a doe come in and browse around for 2 to 3 minutes then walk off. About a minute later I look to my left and here comes a shooter. He walks to within 10 yards of my stand then catches wind of were the doe was standing and starts trotting that way.

    Since I knew he was going to follow the doe path I drew my bow and as he hit an opening I gave him the "whaaaa". He stopped dead in his tracks, I put the 20 yard pin on him and released. This darn deer did the duck and turn away move on me. I could have sworn I seen the arrow hit him perfect left to right and about midway up the body.

    He turned and ran about 60 yards, stopped lowered his head stood there for about 10 seconds then walked another 10 to 15 yards and stopped again for another 10 seconds or so. Then he walked into some thick cover and I lost sight of him. As soon as he walked into the thick cover here comes a small six point down the exact same path. He went to the same area I had shot the first buck. then 30 to 45 seconds after I shot my buck. I hear in the distance the sound of what I thought was my buck crashing.

    Well Mr. six point hears it too and goes over that way through the thicket to investigate, next thing I know I see a deer going through the thicket up the hill trotting. I waited 2 hours, climbed down out of the stand, creeped over and checked my arrow(19 yard shot). blood red from top to bottom. I back out to my truck for 1.5 hours then a light drizzle starts so I decide to go track the deer. Great blood for 75 yards until he crossed a creek then nothing. I found the spot were he bedded/crashed 15 yards on the other side of the creek but no deer.

    My wife and my three teenage boys attempted to find this deer for almost 2 full days. With a 4 hour wait from shot until track taken up, I believe it was enough time. ( I followed every trail and hit every creek bottom for 2 days, my legs are on fire)

    My Theory: The buck dodged the arrow to the point that the impact was in the void area with no vitals. When the small six point started through the thicket he startled/jumped my buck and he ran. Right now I am sick to my stomach. I am very appreciative that my wife and three sons spent 2 days looking for the deer.

    I am dismayed that I called 3 friends and none showed to help, that really bothers me considering I have always helped them. One friend I could understand, he had a serious remodeling project going on and could not get away. The other 2, well lets say next time they need something from me it will be on my terms. Now for my estimate of deer size. I guestimated him at 135 to 140, big old buck ( good deer for my area). Anyways, sorry to let you guys down. All I can do is get back in the stand and keep trying.

  2. Sliverflicker

    Sliverflicker Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Back in Michigan
    Bummer, good luck the rest of the season Dave.
  3. Vabowman

    Vabowman Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Southeast Va happened to me over week ago, but you gotta keep hunting and put it behind the best that you can...a 140" is tough to come by I know, but aside from the bad hit, you take away the fact that you were able to give yourself the opprotunity to get a shot, it's not everyday that that happens...all things considered, he may live and you can have peace with that..
  4. MGH_PA

    MGH_PA Moderator

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Cogan Station, PA
    That's tough, but it doesn't take much reading on here to see it happens to us all eventually. It's a shame about the friends. I've been lucky enough to have three people I know I can call whenever, and most likely I can expect their help.
  5. WV Hunter

    WV Hunter Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 27, 2008
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    VA / WV
    Dang Dave...that really stinks. Maybe you'll stumble on him, or hopefully he's still around. Good luck.

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