So, my phone is loaded with hunting contacts. . . . Old guys, young guys, rich guys, poor guys, fat guys, tall guys, blue collar, white collar, . . . . People from all walks of life. 15 separate text messages today, all looking for a shed hunting partner for tomorrow. Now, bear in mind that this trip would be plug-and-play in its purest form. I offer to drive. I've got the yarding areas mapped-out. My spots. My car. My gas. Hell, I've even got trail cameras strung all over the place, monitoring whats going on. Monster sheds abound. They're just waiting to be collected. . . Well . . . out of 15 texts, I got 5 sad excuses and 10 separate episodes of the silent treatment. Now, these aren't cold calls. I'm not just nagging folks out of the clear blue sky. These are guys who have told me in the past that they want to go. "Oooh, let me know - I DEFINITELY want to go." "I'd LOVE to try that!" "I just like to get out and walk around." Sher Sher. A couple of the fellas I can give a pass to. I know they genuinely wanted to go, but life got in the way. That happens. But seriously. 15? Man-up doggy. You boys that know me, y'all know that I often question the dedication of my fellow hunters . . . and rightfully so. People just talk such a big game about being legendary woodsmen who refuse to be denied, heroic deerslayers, gods among men . . . but when the rubber meets the road - they'd rather be parked in front of the TV, elbow deep in a tub of cheesy poofs. If half of America's great white hunters were half as hardcore as they pretend to be, there wouldn't be a **** deer left alive. So that brings me to the ultimate question: is it BETTER or WORSE that most guys have no work ethic when it comes to deer season? On one hand, it kinda sucks that it's so hard to find a hunting partner who really gets after it year-round. On the other hand, it's a blessing-in-disguise, because if everybody went balls-to-the-wall, there wouldn't be a blessed thing left to hunt. Ahhh.... I digress.... If any of you fellas wanna get together tomorrow and do some shed hunting - ring my phone tomorrow morning anytime after 7. Keep it real, orange peels.
Ahh.. Fran.. If only we lived near each other.. the times we would have. I'll be out first thing in the AM looking for a few fallen jems as well (before the wife awakes).. and Sunday with fellow hardcore enthusiast crazy fanatical whitetail hunter JZ. Text if you get ahold of any.
I have your number, I'll give you a ring. I'll be doing some sheddin' of my own. If you want to use your car, and gas, and trail're welcome to bring all of the listed items to Minnesota tomorrow morning around 8am.
Fran I wish you lived closer to me. I was out at on my diner break and picked up two sheds today. 5 sheds yesterday afternoon because it was just too nice to work... well really to beat the jerk sneaking into one of my spots with his 4 wheeler. You want hardcore... bring your skawny arse over here. You shouldn't have a problem keeping up to an old fart like me. And we would actually find some sheds. Tim
I didn't have the time to spend all day in Ohio, but as soon as I type this I'm getting dressed and walking out the door for a couple hours locally.
I'll be out this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Oh, yeah, my 7 yr old daughter will be with me. She wouldn't miss shed hunting/scouting for anything. Tell your 15 friends that they can't keep up with a 7 yr old girl LOL.
I am up and getting ready to drive my wife 3 hours (round trip) to a fabric store so she can "look" at fabric so my mother can "make" all of the "stuff" for the babies crib bedding and curtains. I do have about 20 hours into this shed season. Nothing to show for it but two new stand sites down in Gurnsey county public land. BTW last week I buried my truck in a field while shedding and had to be pulled out by the farmers tractor
Geez...GM vehicle, what do you expect Lol, jk. I've been out a decent amount this winter, but not in the last two weekends. I, too, am being run around by the fiance I've got one GREAT manmade funnel identified, but I'm not sure I can hunt it (more on that later). Anyways, Fran, is it possible they (your friends) just don't want to be put in harms way? You know, with the beaver incident and all? :d
Fran I would love to share my excuse but that is the entire reason for your post.....anyways, on to "MY" reason for not sheddin' today has nothing to do with diarrhea inside diapers mixed with throw-up in hair! My wife is gone all weekend at her Grandmother's funeral and my youngster Caleb has the flu! So, my perfectly planned weekend of sighting in my bow for hogs and sheddin' all day today has fallen by the wayside. Better luck Monday I suppose.
If only i was closer king, ive actually been on fire calls all day today (in case you wanted an excuse). We'll get it done sometime.
Our winter was non-existent so I doubt hardly any bucks had dropped yet. If we had any cold weather I would probably be out looking today. I just got back from a nearby lake, doing a little crappie fishing. T-shirt, shorts, flip flops :d I was on a little adventure yesterday and got stranded on a sailboat (that is a whole different story, and some Les Stroud tactics were put to use). Point is, I saw 100"-110" buck with both sides still holding strong during that expedition.
My cams are still showing every buck still sporting the bone... I still have a few weeks before I start.
I called in 6 bucks last weekend with my predator call (yes, I'm trying that during the rut) and all of them had both sides... even after the 1/2 mile sprint across the wheat field. I'll stick to the piggies for a little while. Good luck Fran... I'm expecting a great thread with lots of photos.
Quickster, id rather be out shedin than on the couch, even though im old LOL!! Move closer and we will hook up!!