As I was driving down a local road at 12 noon I noticed... Then at 6pm tonight I drove by again and noticed.....WHAT the hell is wrong with people? And this is a major road....people driving by seeing someone cut the head off a buck that was hit by a car?
Maybe it was the first buck they had ever taken with their vehicle and after thinking about over about 5 hours worth of beers they decided to get a hacksaw and get the rack to always remember their trophy. Seriously though I have no idea, that's just weitd.
I mean what the hell are you going to do with a bucks head? It was a little 4 point. Make some jewelry, a knife maybe? Sawing a buck's head off that you didn't even kill on the side of a major road? LOL=hillbilly. LOL New.....I bet you are right, or at least very close.
I count 8 :D I guess you can call me a hillbilly, and the guy who owns the Hole in the Horn buck too (or the Missouri Monarch for that reason ) :D
Buckmaster---you just needed a lamp that bad huh? Siman---I posted those pics as representative examples....the buck I saw was a small 4 point. And all you head chopping, kid terrifying, hillbillies, just stop it!
Here in WI that would be considered an illegal deer because parts are counted just like a whole. Also if someone hits one with their vehicle here, they have to take the whole thing not just a head. I agree though with the hillbilly idiot statement though because we see it here all the time regardless of it being illegal.
Dang it Buckmaster--I changed the pic of the little headless pronghorn to a small deer with it's head chopped off!
We once had a small six point hit by are house, so we just drug it into the pine trees arcoss from are house and we came back a couple hours later and the head was gone. Now who the hell was watching us drag this little buck into some pine trees to find it.
Only a redneck would use a hacksaw to cut off a bucks head!!! I carry a cordless sawzall.....hightech redneck :D:p