I shoot at 65 pounds with 27 inch draw. assuming the same arrow and all other variables the same, is there a significant difference in KE or fps between using a 100 grain broadhead or 125 grains? I would assume they would both fly the same, as the arrow would make the most difference if changed, but thought I would ask some opinions.
Good question.. seems that it will add weight and thus drop the arrow down range some. Balance is key with sighting in and consistency, it may only be a minor deference. I think it may hit harder and dig deeper. I am contemplating 125 Broad Heads but like the way things are for now. Hopefully the techs will chime in.
I nust switched recently from 100 to 125. Really haven't noticed much difference, I'm sure there will be some differences at longer ranges but for now I haven't shot much farther than 30-40 yards.
I've shot 100grn heads next to 125grn heads and didn't notice any difference in flight or penetration between the two then I added 25 grain inserts then tried 50 grain inserts but even with the 75grn difference and I hardly noticed any change. I wasn't very scientific with it so I'm not saying it won't help with flight or penetration I just didn't notice much of a change. I think the guys talking about high FOC put a lot more weight up front than that. I will be using some new arrows next year and will be trying 100grn inserts along with 125grn heads so Ill see how that goes.
For me its mental. I want the speed and I know that the extra 25 grs will slow me down ever so slightly. If I'm getting complete pass throughs and tight groups with a 100 grn head,why put a 125 grn head on?
I try to set my bow up for the worst case scenario, which would be hitting heavy bone. Do I shoot a heavy arrow with a 125 grain head and 75 grain insert. I'm not a believer in speed and KE, its all about momentum.
While your POI might not be affected much, it will increase you FOC, and make your arrow act a bit weaker in spine. With my heavier set up and the use of a lighted nock & quickfletches, I opted to bump up to a 125 this year. I may even add some weighted inserts for next year.
It takes a bit more than 25 grains to make a noticeable difference. Arrow weight differences are cumulative; heavier shafts, heavier vanes, heavier inserts etc... all let us increase total arrow weight while maintain proper FOC balance. With a mere 25 grains, if nothing else is negatively affected... you may realize 3-5 feet per second increase. You likely won't be able to measure that within hunting distances. If penetration is a concern, broad-head type, size and blade angle make much more difference than weight. As well as shot location.
I didn't notice a huge difference when I made the switch. My reasoning for the switch was with my set up the 100 grain head I was really on the edge on spines. I went to 125 to really put me into defined category. Next year I'm thinking about adding a 50 grain mostly just to experiment and see what happens.