JJ, You're as much of a "Redneck" as I am!!! Meant only in the best way possible, as I've had a couple adventures like that myself. Good story, very well written.
Thanks brother - ain't but one way to take that - it's a compliment! We had deer Kabobs last night while watching the Colts blow their chances. I'm disappointed in the loss, but the kabobs made me smile. I wonder how other people eat their food? Mine always has a story behind it...kind of like eating a memory or a photo. I guess that's totally foreign to most people, but not the ones reading Bowhunting.com.
Newb learning the lingo JJ but I'm really not sure which yellow tags she's referring to... she's caught some fish and killed some deer but English isn't her first language so give her a little leeway.
J.J. I made this comment on someone else's photo, when I learned how to post a comment on here, it wasnt meant to you. It kind of got to you by mistake. Sorry!
Totally understand Rob. Some people read my writing and swear English isn't my primary language. I tell them I'm from Kentucky and they seem to understand. LOL.
It was to you my comment that J.J got by mistake about this bear's yellow tag (kind of look cute to me). What's the difference between a brown bear and black bear hunting, if I may ask? Which one is hardest?
My beautiful 3 bucks, with a rifle... :p These were my very lucky first hunt in August/2009 - Kodiak/AK!
Jaak - I think Kyle's cat is a Lynx. The yellow tag on the black bear is the check tag to check it in and be legal - they punch through the nose like that, not sure why. The difference between a black bear and a brown bear is size mostly. The black bear is much smaller, but I hear more likely to charge - not a bear expert myself. I've been on one bear hunt, a black bear hunt in Ontario about 10 years ago.
Congratulations! Those are beautiful bucks - very nice! I have a Thompson Center very much like yours - got it for Christmas this year. I've just topped it with a Nikon scope and dialed it in. Very pleased with this rifle. It would appear yours shoots very well too.
C:\Users\erok\Pictures\IMG_0529.JPG 25 yards. I was in a treestand. He was just entering a cornfield. Call it luck but i put a Rage right across his thoat. He only went 40 yards.