Congrats on your first deer! To kill your first deer is a great accomplishment, but for it to be a buck that nice is even cooler!
Thanks. Actually he was my third deer, but my first taken by bow. I took my first two by muzzleloader, so I don't really count those anyway :D
Well this was the start... My first turkey with a bow. Must be the shirt and hat Followed by lots (but not enough) of this... My first Bowfin/grennel/dogfish ...again with the hat And sometimes it's just about being out there with your buds. I followed that with a button buck and a nice 8 point that I can't get to post on here yet. A Huge thank you to Christine for taking all the pictures. It has been an awesome year!
2009 Archery Buck Closed the deal on Tuesday (Dec 1st). Saw two other bucks also. Almost decided to take a decent 8 pointer. Glad I didn't. A little while later this guy strolls in trailing two does. 25 yards quartering away... Long story short... 40 yards later there he is. UPDATE *** Green scored him at 153 5/8 gross.
2009 Archery Buck Here's one more pic... Haven't scored him yet... I'll let you guys know when I get a chance.
I must of had some bad mojo following me around this year. I saw a lot of does and a couple average size bucks but I never got a shot, not one. I have no pics to post, but that's why they call it hunting. I guess next year I'll have to catch one and tie it up.
Here's my season.....with 2 weeks left in the general (season). I have opportunities to hunt through the BCRS (NCBA Program) that will last until well after antlers drop. I'll hunt until I tag my second buck....OR antlers drop (whichever comes first). Absolutely incredible 1st all-traditional season.
Not a giant, but this ended up being the last time I was able to archery hunt despite having tags in my pack. This was buck was the first Tuesday out of my fall food plot stand. This was my PA Buck and the first with my 7mm-08.. Despite my challenges with family medical issues I was able to fill the freezer...sorry for the gun pics...