Tucked into a paw paw thicket with a nice north breeze. I can smell the fruit. I hope the deer can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man I haven't wondered into a paw paw patch in a long time. Is the fruit ripe? Good luck. Keep us posted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Saw a gray fox and a opossum. Overall a pleasant evening with no deer sightings. I did have a little incident on the way out. I tried to cut through an overgrown field and nearly had a catastrophe. If any of you guys use piggy backers beware of arrows being pulled out of your quiver. I was pushing through some saplings and briars when I looked down and saw the fletched end of my blunt arrow pointing right at my chest. Attached to it was this. . Be careful with these things and pay close Attention on the thick stuff! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alright y'all tomorrow I hit the woods for opening day. Everything is packed and ready to go. Here are just a few of the 600 photos from a 4 day period
I'm gonna try again Wednesday. I'll be there early, updates later. I'll be taking the Bear Hunter, GT 3555, LaFond Lightings. I'm really anxious to see how well these old (1959) BH's perform. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well I've been in the tree since 5:00AM. Had a good little snooze till the sun came up. It's 7:20 now and nothing yet. The grounds crew hasn't shown up to open the front gate yet. The wait continues. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just had a small doe walk by me. She was off the trail and a little out of range. If I had seen her sooner I might have had one small opening. But she never saw or winded me which is always good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Somebody just showed up to open the gate. I'll be getting out of this tree soon, checking my camera and moving to the back of the property. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
10:15 AM: new tree, rear of property. I'll have to bring my pruning pole next time to finish shooting lanes. I have limited openings right now. As I was typing this I just had a deer snort many time at me. It must have been bedded down in the woods watching me climb the tree. DAMN IT!!! Wind is good and it's early yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Left the woods at noon to get FOOD! I might go back later. At least I saw one and one saw me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm heading back out this evening, VA how do you draw the bow and not hit your hat, do you cant your bow when you shoot?
Sometimes I just draw into it and let it bend and sometimes I push it up back on my head. I always cant my bow at some angle or other. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I want to start videoing my hunts but A) I'm just beginning and B) I don't have much money. I built this bow arm to give self videoing a try. It seems sturdy and flexible enough. On my compound I have a mount for my iPhone and have gotten some good footage of deer and kills. I don't have a mount for my recurves I hope this is a good alternative. I'll be taking it on my next hunt.
Check out my Friday night workbench project. I knapped the obsidian & used an antler from a spike I harvested a few years back. I used hemp rope & epoxy to set the arrowhead into the handle & now to let it set overnight. Traditional Handmade Skinning Knife
Tomorrow is Wednesday again. (At least I hope so...lol) I'll be heading out again. This time I'll have the video cam. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk