Hey guys, I finally got a picture of me at full draw. This feels comfortable to me, but helping my buddy get into archery, I don't want to give him bad advice. Looking at the picture attached, can you guys see anything wrong with my form?
Ya, that draw length is probably a good 2" to long. String should be at the corner of your lip and touching the tip of your nose. Also looks like you might have that left arm locked. Will see if I can find a good setup video on youtube for you to watch.
I don't think it's 2" long but it does appear too be long. The release hand is really high, making it look much longer than it really is. The bow arm is locked and you need to relax it. You also need to relax the grip and be sure to rotate the hand, wrist and forearm. Don't rotate elbow. The bow is an older bow with wheels and most likely doesn't have a solid wall. You will need to just relax and shoot this type of cam system out of the valley. This may shorten you up and help with draw length. sent from my samsung note 2
Man take it from me asking that question is asking for trouble and all kinds of criticism trust yourself if your shooting good don't worry about it. If your consistency is off that's just shots under the belt just always make sure it's good quality shots an not just slinging arrows at a dot
Only advice I would give is find someone to shoot with. Someone at or above your skill level hanging out with them they will get to know your shooting style better than you an can point out like things that you do that might be causing you problems on some shots
Here is a series of videos that will do more for you than trying to decipher who knows or doesn't know what they are talking about online. Just a few to start with but he has a whole series of awesome stuff. He is an actual coach and really has some good info. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpBPgPyiYEA&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNGJo77OAs8&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68uaju6VT5g&feature=youtube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ksBvsWbD08&feature=youtube_gdata_player sent from my samsung note 2