Hey I just wanted to let you all know that Butch's Archery is going to be having a big sale on the 27th of July.
Less than 20 shots through the bow. Comes with a nice 4 pin sight, and case, arrows, etc. Right handed 31" bow. 70# draw. Looking for $800 obo....
Hello, I'm a Los Angeles based filmmaker, born and raised in Southeast Wisconsin. I'm shooting a short film near Lake Geneva, WI this November...
Signed up for the forum to help guys out and network. I've been hunting since I was 10, Now I film and produce content with a goal that shows how...
Got a news item on Fox News about a fellow in Louisiana who fell, hit his head on the bottom rung of a treestand and died. There was another link...
Looking for a local ma and pop shop that sells the XOP Ambush XL. Thge only place I've found is Scheels in Appleton that sells XOP. But they don't...
I lost my hunting land at the last minute, and my turkey tag runs from today, May 9th, through May 15th. We're new to the area and are having...
Check out our video from opening week here in Wisconsin! Self-filmed, with crossbow! [MEDIA]
Does anybody else have one heck of a time seeing any bigger bucks moving after rifle season? I have been treating all my stands as I would during...
After reading all the recent threads about the worst and best franchises in sports history I find it very odd that so many guys on here from...
In general I like the idea of being able to keep a stand out on public land, but I'm not sure allowing it all season long is the best idea. With...
Hello, i'm from Wisconsin and my friend and i are strongly considering purchasing some land in the UP, mainly for hunting. I'm just wondering any...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] used to have a stand 30 yards from this spot...
Mature Wisconsin Buck Down! [media] Here is my latest Buck kill. Enjoy the video!
Hey guys, I was approached by a buddy to go on a bow hunting trip to central Wisconsin with him. Anyone from that part of Wisconsin that could...
Hello everyone, new to the forum after lurking for some-time. I'm a born again bow hunter. Growing up in Wisconsin, I heard the stories...
Here is my brother's first buck kill ever, gun or bow, and our first buck kill we have gotten on film! We made a decent video after getting all...
Hi guys, my brother and I both had a very good opening weekend as I smoked a doe 10 minutes into the season and my brother shot his first buck the...
Hey guys, This is going to be my first year bow hunting for whitetail. Curious what your opinions are are scent free clothing. Obviously the...
[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH] thoughts on score and he is 4.5 i have his sheds for last year
Separate names with a comma.