Hey everybody, I'm drew from southern Alabama recently retired out of the Marines. Just returned back home and I'm ready to start back doing what...
Got my moose again this year. A nice mature bull with a 40 inches spread, in full rut. Shot at 27 yards from the ground .. [img] It...
I need to pick your brains for some hunting wisdom. I am onto a group of bucks on one of the properties I hunt. The background is explained in...
So we had a cold front move through TN on Mon and I am just itching to be in my stand as much as possible. Well, I tried to thread the needle and...
Hi Everyone! I've been a part of this forum for a few years now and love it, unfortunately I haven't been on here to much the past few months but...
So I put out a camera in December of last year. I went to check it and change out the batteries this weekend. The batteries had dies around July...
Sorry the pic is so bad, it was on my phone zoomed in as far as possible. This is at least the 2nd time I've seen this buck at this spot in the...
Took my son out today for our first sit of the year Got to the woods at 4 and left at 6 haha. He is excited to go just can't wait till prime...
Anyone ever use these? I was thinking about attaching 2 to my bow on either end of the riser and leaving a small loop sticking out. Then braiding,...
So I'm on this land that my uncle leases. No one other than me , my uncles and family. Today I went out to fix up a spot for this year, yeah yeah...
TEASER DEER SCENTS are collected at the time of your order, bottled, refrigerated and shipped cold! All of our scents are 100% deer urine (NOTHING...
How bad can wind affect arrow flight. I just moved to western OK for college and i have alot of good land to hunt on here. But i got out here...
any thoughts on good public locations in eastern ohio to hunt? heading out tomorrow to start scouting some areas. I've never hunted that state...
I'm a high school senior that has been bow hunting since I was a freshman and have truly become addicted to archery. It was always a secondary...
So, I get a call from my brother in law who is a HVAC mechanic stating he was coming over to install our new A/C unit on Saturday morning. - first...
Anyone headed out this weekend? What are the deer numbers looking like around the state? Personally, It seems I have more bucks this year than...
Each year I try to learn more and more about terrain features, names, how to hunt them, how to pick them out from a map. Please point out what...
I see Cabelas has them for $189 thinking of pulling the trigger on one. What kind of video quality can I expect out to 30 yards or so? I am...
Hunting my buddy's new land next month. He just purchased it a couple months ago so he's only had feeders and cameras out for about two months. He...
Just wanted to share some of our stuff with you guys. Not looking to make money or get famous. lol But check us out on Facebook at Bladed Outdoors...
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