Managed to call in my target buck tonight! It was awesome. I heard him walking in for over 5 minutes before I saw him. I am hunting big woods here in MA. When he emerged where I was hoping he would he kinda stopped. So I waited and he waited and finally I got buck fever and turned my head and used my grunt tube and put out a couple grunts. He seemed interested but wouldnt come out of the pocket he was in. So then I tried a couple bleats and boom that did it! He started marching his way out. Literally he was practically stomping. So get the pin on him and toss him a MEH. He doesnt even look!! Just keeps marching towards my left (where I projected the bleat). At this point he is leaving my shooting lane and I panic a little and blow at him and grunt a few times. This time he spins around and walks right back towards the pocket he entered from. He pauses briefly and I let an arrow fly! Sure enough he takes off! Im thinking yeah!!!! I GOT HIM!!! I Get down, no blood! I shot too low! It was about the darkest I'd feel comfortable shooting. I guess it was too dark after all! So I hike back to my truck only to realize my quiver with all my arrows has fallen off!! Looks like I have my day planned for tomorrow! Go back and hopefully find that quiver and then come back and set up a little up trail from our encounter. We'll see what happens!
sure you missed? I killed a decent buck on my b-day one year that only have one drop of blood on the vane, arrow sliced his neck near the base of his throat and the blood trail started about ten feet from the arrow. I would look a little down his backtrail before dismissing a shot as a miss.
Go get em Kyle! You hunting that big woods spot? Would be interested in hearing where he came from and what wind. Keep your chin up and get it done!
VSHAD-Yes sir, I was around the swamp at the end of that creek. I found a scrap line that skirted the east side. Winds were variable but the thermals were bringing my scent down from the trails. There were 2, A heavy used doe trail (why I was really there) and I realized after I went to retrieve my arrow in the thick stuff there was a Buck Fast Lane! Went directly from bedding to scrapes. Heading out shortly to hopefully find my quiver! Ultramax-I spent a good amount time looking for blood too. I've actually dont that too! That's how I got my first buck, I slit his throat like an assassin ! Made for a lengthy recovery with very little blood. I never even would have found him if I didn't bump him. There was no blood and then I went to where he was laying and it was a masacre! So then I just gave him time and found him. Yeah, though trust me I'm not "that guy". If I found even a drop on the route he left I would still be there looking for him. Boof- YEAH BUDDY!!! Hopefully I can get our teams first buck down! Everyone else- Thanks for wishing me good luck! I'll be back at it tonight and the rest of the week! Oh and by the way if you are using a cheapy quiver made by TRUGLO I'm sure youve noticed how wiggly they get. If you haven't I suggest using some electric tape and wrapping that sucker up! This may have convinced me to break down and buy an Arrow Web! Too bad I'm a cheapskate.