Hello there...my name is Becca and I just stumbled upon this site. Looks like a great place to kill some time till hunting season.
That is by far the worst intro response I've seen here. I am personally sorry that he treated you that way. I can assure nobody else will disrespect you like that. Everyone on here are genuinely nice people.
Yeah that was totally uncalled for. Don't let the bad apple ruin it for ya. Like DrivingTacks said, folks around here are good folks. Some may cut up but they don't disrespect like that.
Oh my!!!! I just seen this thread after I registered. I sure hope I don't get any requests like that.
If you do, let us know and they will get the ban hammer as well. There are plenty of ladies on the forum and they can attest to the fact that this was not normal behavior.
Most people have the common courtesy not to ask complete strangers to show them their parts, although at my age I'd be willing to show anyone that asked.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha I hope my husband isn't on this forum, he would probably ask after seeing that response. LOL