- Last Activity:
- Oct 27, 2019
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Weekend Warrior, Male, from HarkAndSaw
I hunt deer, which means they are safer then than at any other time of the year. Sep 7, 2019
- HardLuckLarry was last seen:
- Oct 27, 2019
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I have hunted deer for about 30 years, which is an exaggeration, because I didn't actually hunt all those years, but more like 60% of those years, and where the word "hunting" means scaring them into the next county for the most part. Some years I have been "successful" in which I've actually seen deer, but only when squirrel hunting, or seeing nothing but squirrels when deer hunting, or seeing bucks in doe only hunts, or seeing only does/fawns in buck only hunts. Once, but only once, I actually took a bow shot at a nice buck, which missed because I underestimated the distance he was by at least 5 yards. So, I admit it...I totally stink at deer hunting! That's why I call myself HardLuckLarry and my avatar being a picture of what I have seen a LOT. After taking a sabbatical from the sport for 3 years (there is no quit in me, I suppose), I am going out this year with the hopes of actually surprising my wife with my first deer kill ever. Wish me luck. I'll need it!Interact
Molon Labe! If you don't understand Latin (which is likely), it means "Just try and take my gun, fool!"