Making the trip by myself this year. I had a couple of buddies interested, but I am the only one pulling the trigger to go. I'll be sure to take pics.
Are you going by yourself or do you have some friends going along? Take lots of pictures and some video if you can. They have a blast there every year.
Mapquest tells me its a little over 11 hours. It says it is 700 miles away so I think I can make it in less then 10.
I hope to make one someday. There was talk of a Kentucky G2G so that may be a possibiltiy. Alot of guys meet in Kentucky for a hunt each year, but I enjoy hunting here to much. At least we will finally have a representative from the south there. How long a drive is it?
Congrats on #2 thats awesome. Planned that out well too so the birth doesn't come during deer season. Good job, haha! Things have been good with me. I've decided to make the trip up to the G2G next weekend. The wife isn't too excited about it, but it'll be ok. I think it'll be fun.
Good, how have you been. took my wife and the little one to the braves game tonight. We were given tickets 10 rows behind home plate. I have been laying low for awhile, usually that is my mo during the off season. I scout a fair amount, but i try and spend every spare moment with the family because I hunt so much. I just found out last week that we will be expecting child number 2 in 9 months or so...How has everything been going with you. I saw those elk pics, that is some cool stuff huh. My buddy saw some in Tenn a few weeks back and said they are huge.