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Oct 17, 2024 at 9:19 PM
Oct 31, 2010
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Oskaloosa Iowa

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Grizzled Veteran, from Oskaloosa Iowa

soccerdan90 was last seen:
Oct 17, 2024 at 9:19 PM
    1. Sticknstringarchery
      Congrats on the baby. We are done having kids now. I don't get on here much on a computer. Tapa Talk is just so much more convenient. Life is good man. Work is going really well. I have an opportunity for advancement coming my way again in the future which will come with a nice raise so I've been focused on that and not as much forum time being spent the last few months. Thanks for the congrats on my season. It was my best so far and I had a blast. I have picked up another property which should be some really good hunting next season and working on another. We moved closer to sivilization last month so the days f walking out the front door and straight to the woods are over. May be a blessing in though. Keep me out of the woods unless I'm hunting or scouting. Do you plan on any gobbler chasing this spring?
    2. Sticknstringarchery
      Hey man, its been a while since I talked to you. How are you and how is your season this year?
    3. Dawn Assassin
      Dawn Assassin
      AT is just search HHA quiver bracket
    4. Dawn Assassin
      Dawn Assassin
      Great buyer fast payment.
    5. soccerdan90
      Ya im ready for it to melt off already. I just hope it melts off by the time my new bow gets in so i can get it sighted in. Not sure if i am going to try amd shoot a turkey with it or not. I suck at turkey hunting.
    6. chester33
      Sorry it took me so long to respond, but we got about the same. Callin for more snow tonight through tuesday
    7. chester33
      Find any sheds?
    8. chester33
      It was ok, saw a lot of deer after the snow but only had shots at young deer and a buck that dropped his antlers, when do you start lookin for sheds?
    9. KDORSETT12
      Hey you have been picked to be on Team 37, if you could check in that would be great.
    10. soccerdan90
      HAHAHA. Will do. I put my 40 in Friday night through Sunday night and a couple hours on Monday night and go to class 1 night a week so I get quite a bit of hunting in during the "work" week!!
    11. leinen
      very nice, have fun hunting while i'm sitting in class! lucky
    12. soccerdan90
      Havent made it out much in the last few weeks due to just getting back from my cousins wedding in North Carolina. Ive seen several good bucks just nothing close enough or in my lanes. Gonna start hunting hard again come Monday!
    13. leinen
      it's good man, got some very nice bucks on the cams, but decided to put the smack down on a big bodied 8 that i've been watching.. How is it where you are?
    14. leinen
      hey from Red Oak, IA!
    15. PrimePorkchop
      LOL Thanks Soccerdan. While that picture isn't *my* dog...I do own a Basset Hound as well...I love her ... one of the best breeds of dog on the planet!
    16. iahunter11
      des moines county
    17. Sticknstringarchery
      I'll have to tell you all about it when I have more time but, I'll gie you a little overveiw. First 3 hunts nothing anywhere to be seen or heard. hunt #4 had 10 deer total within 20yd. 5 fawn, 4 doe and a buck. He was a big boddied 2-3 year old. I took a shot at the buck and hit a limb. Missed him. I had been holding at full draw for over a minute. I grunted at him 3 times before he stopped an dlooked the opposite dirrection of me. I did 2 things wrong. 1) I drew back too soon and could not let back down. 2) I took the shot because I couldn't hold any longer. I should have waited too draw back or let him walk 10 more yards and had him at 18yd with a clearer shot. If I had not had to hold that long, I would have thought to draw when he was walking past the tree that had the limb I hit and had him quartering away at 18yd. There wont be a next time.

      Thanks for asking about my nunting. Good luck with your season.

      Thanks, Doug
    18. kmod
      I live in Council Bluffs. Pott county. I'm right across the river from Omaha,NE. I hunt southeast of town close to the Pott/Mills county border.
    19. kmod
      Where in IA are you?
    20. Iowa Veteran
      Iowa Veteran
      Nope, just hunt down here where I live.
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