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Iowa Veteran
Last Activity:
Jul 4, 2015
Oct 10, 2008
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Iowa Veteran

Grizzled Veteran

Iowa Veteran was last seen:
Jul 4, 2015
    1. Muzzy Man
      Muzzy Man
      Do you still want the MSgt Insignia? Send me you address and I'll get it done.

    2. BJE80
      Thanks! Not sure about the young part though.
    3. Hooter56
    4. iHunt
      Hey Mark, thanks for the happy birthday wish! Sorry it took me so long to reply, it just now popped up as a notification tonight :confused:
    5. Schultzy
      Not yet but I will when I have time. Looking very forward to reading It. Thank you!!
    6. MGH_PA
      Thanks, Iowa! I don't blame you!
    7. Hooter56
      Hey Brother, I know it's been a while (Veteran's day, 2010). Ate some really bitter "tag soup" last year, this year, things are very different. Downed a very large doe 2 weeks ago, and with the pressure off, harvested the dominate buck this afternoon. And the hard rut hasn't even started yet. No more getting up early, freezing my cajones off, bored out of my mind, sitting in a tree stand. And, I haven't even started the first day of my week long bow hunting vacation yet. I hope everything is going well for you, too!
    8. 1st Time Hunter
      1st Time Hunter
      This is my 2nd. I started bowhunting last season and got a doe on New Years day. It happened a lot sooner this year and that may be just because I am more confident in my shooting than I was last year. Next, I am hoping to get a nice buck :)
    9. 1st Time Hunter
      1st Time Hunter
      Awww...thank you! You are very welcome! Thank you for all that you do! I could send this message right back to you!
    10. Iowa Veteran
      Iowa Veteran
      Between Knoxville and Chariton. Just figured Des Moines because it says Active Army Reservist
    11. Drop_Tine5214
      Ames, actually. You?
    12. slabcrappy
      Negative. The weather here has been very squirrely. Everything is going to be running early, but it is still too early. The slabs should be turning on any day. I hope to get out. I have seen some of your pics...that must be awesome!
    13. Finch
      Thanks for the birthday wish. Although I was working nights, I still had a great birthday. Take Care!
    14. Schultzy
      I haven't bought the latest point yet. Trying to do It now. It Isn't to late Is It?
    15. magicman54494
      I've been hunting and working. It's been a long fall and early winter. I've got one more 3 day road trip coming up (fishing) then I'm going to settle in for winter.
    16. Gamegetter
      Happy veterans day....thank you for your service. I'm from a full family of vets, and I was part of that 97% that couldn't serve. Thank you again, God bless.
    17. slabcrappy
      I was at work! I get to peruse the internet at work. Management.... I wish our season opened this early. Our archery season is only 5 weeks. This year is going to be tough to hunt because I am doing some major renovations on my house. I hope to make the most out of the time I get out there.
    18. slabcrappy
      HAHA! Yeah, I bought a money pit house last year and all I do lately is work on it. The majors will be done in about a month and then I will be able to focus back on hunting and puttering around on the minor things. I am a lot different than my brother when it comes to things like this. Thanks for the message.
    19. early in
      early in
      Hi Mark, yes I'm still around. I just started getting back in the hunting mode after a GREAT wild trout season that got ALL of my attention. Bowhunting will once again get my full attention. How are things with you. Last I heard was you had to give up your place? If so, that's very sad.

      I'll be putting my 2 trail cams out in a week or so. That'll get me in line! Hope all is well.
    20. soccerdan90
      Nice. Its always nice to meet a fellow Iowan. Hope you get a good one this year.
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    The shallow people on BHC who can't stick with us big boys should stick to the shallow end of the pool so they don't drown.