Found a Scrape! Maybe. How do I set up?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by ernmcburn, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. ernmcburn

    ernmcburn Weekend Warrior

    Oct 8, 2015
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    So yesterday I went hunting. On the way back my lane I'm pretty sure I encountered a scrape. It was a small sapling/tree, and the ground was snowy. but under the tree there was no snow and bare dirt about 1-1.5 ft wide. I thought I saw paw marks but the ground was frozen. I have never seen a scrape in person. 5 yards away from this there is an extremely dug up trail. And this just so happens to be 10-20 yards away from a treestand my uncle used to use. So what should I do and is it even a scrape? I have no clue. I'm thinking about putting a cam up that covers part of the trail and the scrape(if it is one). Plus I have no clue if the stand is safe. The ladder is wabbly. Never hunted from an actual treestand. what do you think?
  2. BowhuntOrDie

    BowhuntOrDie Weekend Warrior

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Town of Poughkeepsie, New York
    Sounds like a scrape to me! Is there any overhanging branches about chest high? Thats an easy tell tale sign though they are not always there! Bucks like to break them and leave scent from the glands near their eyes and by licking them. So often youll hear them referred to as a "licking branch" above the scrape. Setting up over it could be productive, but there are plenty of variables. Forst is what time is he using it? Most scrapes are made at night so he may not even cruise that area during the daylight hours. Another is, did he make it on a path he regularly uses? Or did he make it while cruising a new area? Things like this canbe pretty easily found out with a camera and some further scouting of the area/trail in question. But my suggestion is, if youre not on deer already, definitely try setting up there for sure. Its worth a shot! As far as the stand goes, i swear by safety first! Is it an old wooden stand? Or is it a steel/aluminum ladder stand? Always be sure to have a harness at least before leaving the ground and a safetyline if you have one!
  3. BowhuntOrDie

    BowhuntOrDie Weekend Warrior

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Town of Poughkeepsie, New York
    If you are unsure of the stands safety, setup on the ground on the downwind side of the trail/scrape, and best of luck to you!!
  4. ernmcburn

    ernmcburn Weekend Warrior

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Its steel. Im 5'2 and its at least head high if not higher. A few of the limbs didnt naturally come out it looks kinda broken off
  5. BowhuntOrDie

    BowhuntOrDie Weekend Warrior

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Town of Poughkeepsie, New York
    If its a steel ladder stand with no cables then it should be fine, but make sure the straps/ropes holding it to the tree are not incredibly weathered or worn. Because they could break. And again, dont risk it without a harness and being hooked up just in case the stand fails! Another thing to do would be to contact your uncle and ask him about the quality/safety of the stand as well

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